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I didn't really know why I felt like I had to help Brittany, it's not like we're friends, it's more like we actually hate each other. Brittany was never nice to Jolie, she used to find some dumb reason to call her out. But the thing I like about Jolie is that she almost always looks on the bright side of things whereas I'm the exact opposite. I used to yell out all sorts of comebacks to Brittany when Jolie only laughed it away. But it was not my lame comebacks that stopped Brittany, it was Joliet's laughter. Again, I hated Brittany. But why was I even bothering to tell her about our little discovery? Even if there really were zombies, I'd let them gladly feast on Brittany, though I'm not so sure they'll enjoy it. Brittany looked at me like she saw a clown, but that's the look she gives everyone. "Wow, I thought you were just a nerd, didn't know you were crazy too!" She let go of my grab and walked away. "You actually believe there are zombies inside?" Alex asked.
"Only one way to find out."
The iron gates imprisoned us in the school, there was no point of trying to get out. So the only other thing we could do was to barge into the building. The last time we stayed back in school was with Jolie, but we left just before the gates closed. And I wasn't ready to see what happens after they close.
Yet, I wanted answers. About Jolie. That's why I even agreed to meet up here. Let me at least put this to good use. Zombies or not.
"You coming or not?" I asked Alex. I was still mad at him, but it was embarrassing to admit I needed him now. He looked back at me and I saw the concern in his eyes, he was actually terrified. "Do we have to go in? I think it's better if we camp out here," He looked up at the evening sun through the only opening the gates left us.
"This is our only chance of finding more about Jolie, and I'm not wasting it because someone's being a wuss" I pushed open the gates and took in the familiar scent of our school hallways. It seemed so strange that the school was so deathly quiet, the only sound audible was the click-clack of my boots on top of the tiled floor.
"Wait up!" Alex shouted behind, his voice echoing the space. "You're not doing this alone, Jolie was my friend too." He panted as he attempted to take my hand. I refused the offer and walked in front of him, quickening my pace. I continued towards the principal's office. Now the sounds increased, my boots along with his.
Click-clack, click-clack
Click-clack, click-clack
Click-clack- "Wait. Do you hear that?" Alex stopped, and so did I. In the distance I heard a faint scream. "Could that be Brittany?" Alex asked. "Aww you're worried about you're girlfriend!" I teased. But when I met his eyes again, I saw the same dreaded look. This time, I felt it too. "Okay, geez, we'll check it out." We headed in the direction of the sound. The air felt different there, it reeked of a foul smell that suffocated me. Brittany was lying on the floor, tears streaming down her face, her mouth gasping for air. The sight was so alarming I didn't know what to do. "What's wrong?" Alex was quicker than me. But Brittany went on sobbing and kept pointing at a classroom door.
And that's when I saw it. A tiny drop of blood trickled down the door window, followed by a pair of oozing eyeballs and a drooling mouth. It looked like a teacher was standing inside, but something was off. His skin had all its colour drained, and veins were popping out. The end of his mouth was smeared in blood and his eyes were almost coming out of his face. And he had this look, a look of hunger that sent shivers down my back. His gaze was set on Brittany, and he banged his head on the door.
Brittany screamed and yelled and throbbed on the floor, but all we could do was stare.
The hallway got colder and colder and colder. The smell was now everywhere, and it churned in my stomach and made me want to puke.
But we didn't cry, we didn't yell, we didn't even flinch. Except for the banging on the door, and Brittany's cries, it was ghostly quiet.
It was getting intense. The door would open sooner or later.
I was frozen. Alex was frozen. Time was frozen. But the creature behind the door wasn't.
Anytime now-
Bang! Click. The door creaked open.

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