Chapter 26: The truth is out

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"BIG SISTER'S, FRONT AND CENTRE!" he shouted, his voice crystal clear due to the lack of his helmet's voice modifier. The Big sister's appeared just a second after he secured his helmet in place, his rage finally becoming apparent through the red glow and the fact that his gauntlets were glowing red. Lining up along the opposite side of the hall in a perfect line they awaited orders as their general paced back and forth, "There is a rogue Big Daddy on the loose, killing Little Sisters." Judging by the hisses, he heard from his army they seemed just as disgusted and angry at the very thought as he was. "Go. Find the killer of our little ones and return the favour tenfold!" Ryan barked at them, almost before he even got done with his order they disappeared in blurs of speed, splitting up to look in every possible direction.

Even though Ryan had sent a whole army after the Big daddy he still wasn't satisfied. No, he was going to hunt down this Big Daddy, he was going to kill it, make it suffer for killing the Little Sisters. His little sisters. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an alarm, "Oh what now?" Ryan snapped as he went upstairs to find that Eleanor's Big Daddy trying to get into her room, he was being slowed down by the Big sister's. Whom, Ryan noted, posed little threat to him.

Looking at the rather one-sided fight he knew they needed help, but he had to find another way around to get to where they were. Turning to his left he ran to the door leading to Eleanor's room. He was almost at the door when the alarms stopped. Stopping for a moment Ryan quietly listened, a voice could be heard talking to that Big daddy, it was Sofia Lamb. Did she know this Daddy?

"So... you've come...look at her..she still dreams of you...her father...she needs you" he heard her say, her speech muffled by the heavy doors. Looking into the small window on the top half of the door into the room he saw where Eleanor was being kept. Sofia was inside, sitting on a chair, she was absently fluffing a pillow in her hands as she talked. "She has been watching I am afraid my life's work has been ruined...Eleanor I am sorry." with that, she attacked Eleanor, suffocating her.

Ryan stared, not quite believing what he was seeing. When Eleanor fell to the floor he responded with only the slightest of hesitation. He shoved his harvester into the middle of the door, severing the hinge connecting the two pieces of metal, and kicked the door in.

Knocking aside Sofia, who was trying to stop him from touching her daughter, he ripped his helmet off, picked her up and checked for a pulse, feeling a small but faint heartbeat he started to panic, "ELEANOR! WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" he shook her shoulders a few times before his brain kicked in. Flexing his hand it began to spark electricity. Rubbing his hands together they both glowed an equal blue. Placing his hands on her chest he felt the electricity surge into her. Once, twice, and finally a third time.

Ryan sighed in relief as Eleanor's eyes shot open coughing. Smoke actually coming out of her mouth. "Eleanor, are you alright?" Ryan asked before wincing as she coughed up more smoke. He'd read about a defibrillator in the books he'd managed to steal as a child but he imagined if she was anybody else they would have wound up as a charred corpse. The wonders of the Sea Slug's healing.

Eleanor's eyes dilated a few times before she looked up at him. Ryan expected her to scream at him, call him an idiot for what he had to do to save her life. To his surprise, she didn't. Eleanor looked at him, studying his face as if she had seen him before, like a long lost memory was just out of her reach. Weakly lifting her hand she brushed her hand limply along his cheek. Before Ryan could say anything he felt something stab into his neck before everything grew dark.

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