Chapter 7: His friend and his Revenge

Start from the beginning

"Chase is a pedo!" the girls jeered, and I caught Jameson's eye.

"Since you're down here, you should make us something to eat, yeah? Since you like helping others?" Jameson suggested with a smirk, his tone dripping with condescension.

I could feel my blood boiling as I balled up my fists, trying to control my anger.

"Fine," I hissed through gritted teeth, placing the plate on the table with a thud. "What is it you like to eat?"

"There's some salad in the refrigerator, pass me that," Jameson said nonchalantly, already turning back to his friends and resuming their conversation.

I grabbed the bowl of salad as he had asked and inspected it. Suddenly, my eyes landed on a glass bottle nearby, and a devious grin spread across my face.

Without a second thought, I turned on the faucet to muffle the sound and broke the glass cup in my hand, the sharp shards digging into my flesh.

I brushed the tiny slivers of glass into his salad, relishing in my new idea. As I turned off the water.
I extended the salad bowl towards him, and he reached out and clutched my wrist tightly, pulling me down to sit beside him.

The room fell silent, and I felt everyone's eyes on us. He didn't say anything, but his grip on my wrist sent shivers down my spine.

Jameson broke the silence, trying to ease the tension.

"Don't be shy, everyone. He's a good guy," he said with a reassuring smile.

But a woman from earlier wasn't convinced. "How do we know that?" she asked, her voice laced with suspicion.

Jameson suggested that we all get to know each other better, and I couldn't help but feel trapped.

I had only come to deliver some food to my sister, yet now, I was stuck listening to strangers' life stories.

"My name is Vanitas, and I'm sixteen," I said reluctantly, not wanting to share any more than necessary. But in truth, that was all I knew about myself.

"Amber," the woman from before, said with a smile that lit up the room and radiated warmth, making it clear she wasn't from the bad part of town.

I couldn't help but steal a glance at Jameson as he mixed up his salad with his fork.

A few minutes later, they all began talking as if I wasn't there or like I was one of them, which was highly unlikely given that they hardly knew me.

Suddenly, another girl, Molly, with her brown hair and striking blue eyes, asked, "So, Vanitas, why are you wearing an eye patch?" I watched with amusement as Jameson took the first bite of his salad and gulped.

"It's because a certain asshole broke into my house, played Russian roulette with my life, and shot me in the eye," I explained, not sad about the situation, because I was alive and that meant I could continue keeping my sister alive.

"So, can we see it?" Molly asked eagerly. I raised my eyebrows in surprise at the question, wondering why they would want to see it.

"We never saw what's behind a human eye," Amber chimed in. I couldn't help but think they were a bunch of psychopaths for wanting to see my eye.

"You guys are crazy," Chase chuckled, clearly amused by their strange request.

"It's fine, I don't mind," I spoke, trying to hide my confusion as I took off the eye patch and held it in my lap. I moved my hair from my face, revealing my eye to them. I didn't feel embarrassed at first, even when Chase and Amber leaned in for a closer look. But then Jameson joined in, grabbing my jaw to turn my face towards him.

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