Breakfast:chapter 3

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We arrive at the dining hall and I get some food and take a seat, as I'm about to take a bite of my food I remember what I saw earlier , it rushes my mind, it replayed in my head, over and over and over, why was it so addicting, why was HE so addicting, why is thinking about my lieutenant making me wet. I know it's wrong but I can't help it.

He takes a seat across from me and the other guys in our group surrounded the table, but they left me and ghost at the end,excluding us. the silence between me and ghost  is slightly awkward, but in a way, comfortable.

After a few minutes of non stop dirty thoughts about ghost he  suddenly he breaks the silence "why so quiet mate." He says in that deep British voice of his

"oh," I get a little startled at the sudden noise "just thinking sir" he looks at me curiously "thinking about what L/N" my stomach twirls as he says my last name, do I tell him that my mind is filled of dirty thoughts about him. what a stupid question if course not. "Nothing important." "if you're thinking instead of eating it's important- you only get three meals a day soldier you not eating is waisting energy" I look at him was he concerned about me, dose he actually care. "I said it's nothing"

I get up from the table and begin walking away, if I spent another moment, another second looking into his eyes, Listening to his voice even just being around him, I would've begun saying stuff i would regret regret.

I was practically running out of the dining hall I could feel the wetness in my pants growing, I was almost a safe distance away, I turned my head to make sure he didn't follow until i ran into something. I fall on my ass and look up to see ghost hovering over me.

"Going somewhere." He says looking down at you "g-ghost I-" he cut you off "why'd you run Y/N- did something spook you." He says in almost a mocking tone "n-no sir" I jump back to my feet. "than why'd you run?" Think Y/N lie, don't let him know. "I have to use the bathroom." He smiled down at you "your lying. There's a bathroom in the dining hall and you just passed one as-well" he grabbed your chin to make you look him in the eyes "so tell me Y/N, why'd you run."

"Sir I-" he cut me off again "I think we need to have a talk Y/N." I sigh and look to the ground "yes sir." With that he walked me to the dorm we shared and we sat down on our beds "So Y/N, he looks at you from across the room, you feel his eyes piercing through yours.

What is it he wants to talk about, dose he know? , no, he can't know i haven't even said anything. I let out a sigh and look at him "yes sir." He thinks for. Moment "do you have. Problem with me, maybe because of what you saw earlier or you just don't like me? Because you've been trying your best to get away from me since training" he says not letting his guard down, not even for a second, he eyes hold that cold stare and he stared right into my eyes , it felt like he could read every thought, see every image.

"No sir I don't have a problem with you," I say honestly, breaking the eye contact and taking a deep breath and then sighing "so than tell me soldier, why is it you keep running away. Is it because maybe you like me a little to much." He says as he gets off of his bed walking slowly towards you.

I gulp gulp and he stops about two feet away from me. he's staring down at you waiting for a answer, I don't know what to say, I can't tell him the truth, what would he think. My mind races back and fourth and my heard is pounding faster "tell me Y/N," he crouched down to eye level with you and tilted his head to the left slightly "do I make you nervous?"

I break the eye contact and a bead of sweat drips down my forehead, what the fuck do I say, I mean he dose, he makes me nervous but I can't tell him that, what would he think of me. I stay quiet and he stands back up straight "I know i do, I see the way your eyes flicker at me, I see the way you gulp when I'm to close to you, and look at you now, so flustered. It's okay if you have a little crush, I know I'm SOOO attractive"he jokes, but boy it wasn't a joke,he was,at least what all I saw of him was.

"Do those thoughts of me make your knees weak." He says towering over me, blush quickly covered my face, when he saw this he chuckled "next time we're training pay attention to what you think you say in your head , because I don't think I was supposed to hear that the thought of me on top of you makes you wet." He then left the room leaving you there speechless and your heart racing

Authors note: I honestly like this chapter sm 😭

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