Training :chapter 2

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I wake up to an alarm blaring in my ear, ghost turns it off and we both Immediately get out of our beds and make them.I go to the bathroom and change, brush my teeth and put my hair in a slick ponytail all in the span of 5 minutes then get out so ghost can do what he has to get done.

I sit in my bed for a minute to process,to wake up more, when ghost comes out of the bathroom, he glared at me, it was a intimidating glare it felt like his eyes pierced through my soul . "Is something wrong sir" I say in slight concern "no" he says coldly than walks out of the room. What the fucks his problem. I roll my eyes and then slip on my boots tying them tight.

I went to the training gym and saw three other guys waiting, Simon no where to be found. I look at the clock 5:16, where the fuck is he. Another two minutes past, I begin to get a little worried.

When the clock hit 5:20 everyone but ghost was here,"I'll be back if he shows up tell him I went looking for him." I go to the dorm and open the door I glance in the room and see  him thrusting his dick into his hand. I immediately close the door. what the actual fuck, am I going to have to deal with this the whole time. I think to myself

I go back to the other recruits "I found him. He said he'd be here soon, he's uhh, busy" I say to the recruits, none of them say anything "awesome" I say awkwardly and walk to the bleachers where I sit and wait. But I can't get that image out of my head, him thrusting into his fist, he looked to desperate,like he was choking back his moans, part of me wished I was there to witness the whole thing.

As my thoughts begin to travel to unspeakable depths I see the tall man walk in the room, he glared at me then he spoke "sorry I'm late, personal emergency." He looked at me, I swear he winked, was I seeing things, There is no way he'd do that. I climb off the bleachers and stand with the rest of the recruits.

"Today we are doing duo training, since there are nine of you, and nine can't be split evenly, I'll be partnering with one of you." Before he could say another word the guy's quickly paired with each other leaving me alone, "well roomie, guess I'm your partner" he winked. No way I was imagining it that time,what the hell was that about.

He went to the front to explain the training "you will be practicing a rescue. The scenario is you're both on the battle field one of you gets shot and you have to do an emergency rescue to get who's ever injured safe, you will have to shoot the last of the enemy's then rush through a series of obstacles with your parter on your back and into the box that is taped on the floor, the box resembles our trucks, now who's first"

some pair that i never introduced myself to went up the bigger guy got "shot" and the smaller dude had to shoot the fake enemies with a paint ball gun that was scarily realistic then carry his teammate on his back, carrying him through tight spaces past fake bullets that were being shot by robots, jumping over large objects, crawling on the ground and having to run through a pool of water that went up to their knees then into the "truck".

All the groups went, leaving me and ghost last, we took position and I saw him get shot with the paintballs the other staff were shooting to represent the bullets from the enemy's.

Jesus fucking Christ, I have to carry him! I sigh and throw him on my back,I struggle a little, but manage to get to the end swearing in my mind and a little out loud the whole time.

"Holy fuck your heavy" i pant. He looks at you, your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath. He chuckles at you and looks at you with a look of satisfaction and desire. What the hell was up with him, did he want me? Was I just imagining all of this?

He walked away from me and spoke loudly "go back to your dorms and get ready for breakfast, you have 10 minutes." We walked back to our dorm together and the second we walked in the door I sit on my bed and look at him. "So, are we not going to talk about what I walked in on earlier." He glanced at you but didn't say anything

A moment of silence passed, "like you never pleasured yourself before." I look at him, his face turns and his eyes meet mine . His eyes are soft, at least softer then I've ever seen them. "Not when I know there's a chance someone can walk in." He rolls his eyes and we change out of our wet clothes, he changed in the bathroom, I changed in the room "okay I'm dressed" I yell so he can hear I slip my boots back on and we make our way to the dining hall.

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