First day: chapter 1

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Unedited work,

It was your first day as a new recruit at the task force 141 you were the only female, 8 guys  that all stunk of sweat and cheap cologne, the mixed smells made you a little nauseous.

You were sitting in what looked like to be a assembly room, no chair's however,
You were standing in a corner thinking about how today might go, when a tall 6,4 man with a skull mask and a black balaclava with  white  stripes to line up with the mask, walked in and greeted us, he had a strong British accent.

I walked from out of the corner to meet the rest of the group. When he saw us all there he began talking. "Listen up, because I'm not going to repeat my self." He said in a thick British accent, his voice deep and scratchy

"our old recruit trainer got fired, so, I  will be training you all for the next 6 months, my call sign is ghost, you all however will call me sir or lieutenant nothing else will be acceptable. You are expected to be up at 5 am no later, you must make you bed every morning." He pauses and looks at all of us carefully before sighing "you must be in the training gym at 5:20 SHARP every morning  after that we will eat then train then eat then sleep, there will be no time for games, unless you prove to me that you deserve it, am i clear." "Yes sir" we all say sternly.

He walks up to this one guy and gets in his face "the next time you come to class without your uniform in throwing you in the hole." He walked away then stared at us all again "you will all be given a dorm number please form a line and see me for  your dorm number, you must remember your dorm numbers because I will not be saying it again and I will not write it down-" he then  walked to a table and grabbed a clipboard, he leaned against the table holding the clipboard waiting for us all to line up.

Once we were lined up he went through the list "what's your last name." He said to the kid he yelled at for not having his uniform "Smith, sir" he said standing up straight, hands behind his back not making eye contact with the lieutenant "number 58" he said to the kid "thank you ,sir"  he walked away "you won't be thanking me tomorrow" the lieutenant joked, then he went through the rest of the recruits.

He got to you, the last in line the only girl- "last name" "L/N" "this, this isn't right" he hits the clipboard in frustration he pauses  "room 58 is already taken by two people, I'll be back" he said in a very annoyed voice about 20 minutes later he came in the room his eye looking irritated "well- turns out you'll be bunking with me until they find you a room" he sighed in a frustrated tone "go get your bags, room number 12"

I grab my two duffel bags one filled with clothes and the other filled half way with clothes and half way with essentials. I got to the room and opened a door revealing a room, not to small not to big,two beds two dressers one desk.on his side, and a door  that I assumed lead to a bathroom, I unpacked my stuff and made my bed as the  lieutenant walked through the door.

I laid in the freshly made bed  as i stared  at the ceiling "so, L/N, what made you want to join the military" the lieutenant said as he began to take off his vest and Jacket revealing a tight black  under shirt .I looked at him for a few seconds then made eye contact "my grandfather was a veteran sir, he was k.I.A I'm doing this in his honor."
"Respectable." He said as he slipped off his boots
"Better get some rest soldier, a long day of training awaits us." With that he  laid down on his bed  resting his head on his thin pillow and turned away from me. I sighed and pulled my covers over my cold body and slowly drifted to sleep.

Authors note: this is like my first time writing so apologies if it's bad😭 I've been writing little short stories for fun but I thought I'd try this out so if anyone has any feedback I'd gladly take it

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