• part 2

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Carter /

The drive was about an hour before we arrived at the woods... wait.. what are we doing here?

" you don't plan on silently murdering me out here or to rape me right? " I faked laughed and gulped my saliva down. Sawyer turned and look at me before leaning forward and he was so close.. I could smell the scent of chocolate? Thats weird.. " h-hey.. what are you trying to do? " I said nervously , seeing that his eyes was still on me. If he ever does plan on raping me here, I know kungfu and other moves and I'm not afraid to use it!

" and I will punch you with my boxing skill " he smirked and pull opened the door. Oh. Did I just say that out loud?

" loud enough for me to hear " he laughed and opened the car door and stepped out before stretching.

" asshole. " I muttered before stepping out too and looking around. All I saw was trees, grass, flowers... and a lake?

" what are we doing here? Where's the cafe? " I asked before walking towards the front of the car.

" come on. " he smiled before taking my hand and leading me into the woods. Did Sawyer Daniels just smiled at me? And it wasn't a playful smile, it was a genuine smile. Wow I need to write this down on my diary when I get home . Nah kidding, which 17 year old girl would keep a diary now? Not me for sure.

As we went further into the woods, I stumbled and fell over a branch and hurt my knee, got bitten by mosquitoes and even got mud on my shoe!

" wow thanks for the recommendation. How nice of you to take me into the woods and get sting by mosquitoes and hurt my knee ! Oh and don't forget getting mud on my shoe! " I said grudgingly.

He turned and rolled his eyes at me before pulling me to walk faster. " we're reaching soon just quit whining "

Just then, I looked up and saw that we're here. In front of a tiny little house with a sign board that says sanctuary. " oh its a sanctuary all right. " I said sarcasticly.

" don't insult before you go in " he said before pushing me to go in. As we entered, the scent of coffee was overwhelming me . It smelt so heavenly, oh God.

I quickly went to the counter to order myself a cup of coffee and a mini blueberry muffin, mmh my favourite . Not even considering the fact that Sawyer was still standing at the door , I found a comfortable and cozy corner table near the window and sat down . I looked around and realized that there weren't many people here and it made this place feel kinda cozy with the woody walls and fireplace.

" you sure move fast " he said before sitting down. I grinned " this place is amazing, how did you find it? "

" you'll see soon enough " he smiled again. Just then, an elderly lady probably in her sixties came over and placed our orders on the table. " thank you " I said before smiling at her and she smiled back warmly. " you're welcome dearie , ah Sawyer . You're here again. Is she your girlfriend? You finally settling down on this beautiful young women? " she smiled at Sawyer.

" oh you know her? " I asked. Sawyer then rolled his eyes . " granny , she's just a friend! " wait, granny??

" well this is surprising " I smirked at him as he looked away.

" you've never brought any other girls here before, you like her don't you? " Sawyer's granny winked at Sawyer as I blushed.

" it's not like that Granny! Sawyer doesn't like me that way! Why would he? " I laughed and looked at the coffee. Mmh.. it smells really good.. I want to take a sip. Oh and my muffin... it's calling for me

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