• part I

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Carter '
Just one more class to attend to before it's lunch time.. I can do this, I can do this.
Why am I even talking to myself ugh .
I stopped by my locker to get out my book for my remaining classes and stuffed the rest of my unwanted books into my locker before slamming it shut. I sighed. I turned around only to see two girls looking at me . " is there anything on my face? " I asked them . They both looked taken aback before walking away quickly. Whats with the school? Everytime I turn around or walk around the school, everyone would stop and look at me or talk to their friends about me . Guys would stop to look before turning to their friends and smirking at them before pointing at me. I don't get what's with them at all. Technically, no one ever bullies me nor called me names.. but what if the school had an inside joke about me but I'm the only one who doesn't know about it? What if I had something on my face and someone took a picture of me and posted it viral and blocked me so I couldn't see it? . God, I'm stressing myself out. Whatever, I should probably head to my next class.
As I turned and started walking, I felt someone bump into my small body and I fell backwards onto the ground with my books scattered around.
" shit, watch where you're going bitch! " he said before standing up and dusting his shorts. I sat on the ground , a little taken aback. " excuse me. " I spoke with a little confidence. He then looked down at me. Him. Ugh. Out of the whole entire student body, why does it have to be sawyer?! I never want to have anything to do with him! . " what do you want bitch. " he smirked. Oh that infamous smirk. He thinks that he can get every girl to drool over his smirk. Not me. I stood up slowly and not bothering to pick my books up, I walked over towards him.
" an apology would be sufficient. " I smiled sweetly. He stared at me for awhile before I saw his eye turned dark. " do you even hear yourself? You were the one who wasn't watching where you were going and you blocked my way! I don't think I need to apologise bitch . And I don't want to have anything to do with you, do me a favour and never show your face again " he spat at me.
Oh , that's it!
I gave him a blank face before smiling at him. I looked around and saw that everyone had created a circle around both of us and I suddenly felt scared. Seemed like Sawyer noticed too as he turned towards them and snarled " fuck off and mind your own business you worthless people " . That was so mean! But at least everyone quickly scurried away.
" you wanted to say something bitch? " he smirked again. Wow his face expression changes fast.
" yeah. Take me out on twenty four different dates . Starting from tomorrow . As an apology. I'm not taking no as an answer. You better have something planned tomorrow. " I said before turning back to pick my books up and walking away, leaving him alone, confused as to what just happened.
Lunch came and everywhere I walked, I heard people talking about what just happened before. I ignored them and went to queue to get my food before walking towards the library. Ah, the best spot away from everyone. I then grabbed a book and started reading at a corner where no one could disturb me and slowly munched on my food.
Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up, only to see my one and only best friend , hannah.
" thought you might be here after all the rumors going around. I don't believe it ! " she laughed slightly before the librarian hushed her. She rolled her eyes and looked at me for an explanation.
" well..... it did happen actually. And I might have kinda toldhimtobringmeontwentyfourdates " I said all too quickly before placing the book back and running out of the library before Hannah could catch up to me. I so did not want to hear her cuss at me for doing something so stupid. It wasn't my fault! He was the one who wanted nothing to do with me and I was pissed. So I thought hanging around him would piss him even more, that would spice up my life either ways since all I ever do is stay home and watch netflix . Don't judge! You would do the same too if your house had a mini theater with mattresses all over the floor. All thanks to my dad being in a rich family, he took over the position of the boss of Hale co. And business was going really well, hence dad decided to get a house on our own instead of living with grandpa and grandma. Me, mom and dad always spent every free time together and I wouldn't miss it for the world .
Upon hearing the bell, I made my way to my remaining classes and prayed that I wouldn't see neither of the two people.
" ah ! Carter, my favourite student. Always first to reach class I see. " Mrs Morris smiled warmly at me. As an English teacher, even though she's really old, provably the oldest teacher here in Bently high . She's one of the most fun teacher around here. " always am Mrs Morris, always am. " I grinned before taking my seat at the front row. Yeah yeah, nerd. Whatever. At least I wouldn't be one of those failures on graduation day. The students slowly streamed into class like they had somewhere better to be at. Halfway into the lesson, there was an announcement. " Carter Hales, could you kindly please make your way to the principal office right now. I repeat " I stood up and said loudly " I heard you on the first time. Don't bother repeating " ugh what's with the announcer! Repeating words twice as if we didn't heard them the first time! But what did I do wrong? . " excuse me " I said to Mrs Morris before picking up my bag and walking out of the door, away from everyone's glance.

As I made my way towards the principal's office , I heard a commotion going on. " are you f*cking with me now aunt Stacey? You want the nerdiest girl in school to tutor me for English? Can this day get any worst ugh. Who is she? " a familiar male voice was heard. " quiet down now. She's coming over soon so sit your little butt down boy. " Principal Stacey said. Whoever this boy is, he'd probably be the most stupidest kid and most disrespectful guy ever. I'm so not liking him already . I knocked on the door a few times before hearing Principal Stacey call me in. As I closed the door and turned around, I came face to face with none other than... Sawyer Daniels . " OH YOU CANT BE SERIOUS NOW CAN YOU AUNT STACEY? OUT OF ALL THE OTHER NERDS, WHY HER ? " Sawyer whined like a little boy who couldn't get his favourite candy.

I smirked and sat down beside him. " you called me? " I smiled at principal Stacey.

" yes I did, Carter. I would like to ask of a favor from you, you will get many benefits from this little favor too " she smiled back at me warmly.

" what is it? " .

" I would like you to tutor my nephew here, Sawyer Daniels . He has been failing his subjects and he won't be able to graduate this year if he doesn't get at least 75% in total. "

" oh come on Stacey. I'm not that bad " Sawyer smirked and placed his feet on the table. I scrunched my eyebrows before pushing his feet down, causing him to almost fall backwards.
" bitch! " he scowled but I ignored him as usual.
" I'll do it " I smiled and stood up.
" great! Thank you Carter, I'm glad at least there's a mature student here " she smiled and shook my hand before letting me go.

As soon as I was out of her office, I began walking out of the school and towards my car , Sawyer following behind suite . I turned around only to see him standing near the tree looking around. As I turned around and walked again, he continued walking behind me again. I then stopped and turned around, " secretly a stalker aren't you, Sawyer? " .

He looked taken aback before walking towards me . " I'm not a stalker. You know what, come on. The date starts today. I've got a place " he said before taking my car key from my jacket pocket and walking towards my car to unlock it. How did he know which car is mine..

" hey, how do you know which car is mine? If you aren't a stalker, what are you? " I asked curiously.

" are you seriously asking me this question? Other than me having a nice looking car , you're probably the only student beside me who has an amazing and expensive car. I notice my competition okay " he smirked before starting the car.

" whatever. Where are you taking me? " I asked again totally ignoring his previous answers.

" just some cafe out of town. " he said before driving off.

I wonder what he has up his sleeves....

So this is it for chapter 1 ! How was it??

Gonna post every 2 days so please be patient!

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Hoped you enjoy!

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