The Rushed Ending

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Oppenheimer: Justice is served
A voice: Is what you would think. wouldn't you... BUT PING PONG! you are wrong

Oppenheimer: What
Oppenheimer suddenly stands in middle of the void

Oppenheimer: Wha– What Where Am I
Voice: Welcome to Part-2! the mind break part

Soviet guy appears in front of him
You! the Soviet spy
Soviet: Yes Yes that's me!

Oppenheimer: What happened to the Russian accent
Soviet: Oh I'm not Russian. In fact I don't belong to any nationality or ideology.

Soviet guy puts a finger on Oppenheimer's mouth
Before you say things like "having no ideology is an ideology in itself" shut the fuck up I don't care
Suddenly they are in a dining room

Oppenheimer: What the– Who the hell are you
Oppenheimer was panicking very hard

Soviet: Why don't we have dinner and discuss everything–
Oppenheimer tries to punch the Soviet guy.
Soviet guy blocks it with one finger

Soviet: Bit cliched huh... one sec
Suddenly a Teddy bear appeared in Soviet guy's hand and it was blocking Oppenheimer's punch with its paw
Characters underscore two parenthesis one parenthesis, you can't win so why don't we have dinner.

Oppenheimer Sits down very unwillingly
: So who are you

Soviet: Didn't that blonde tell you?
Oppenheimer: ... The... Great Shitposter?
Soviet: Yes and just Shitposter is fine
Oppenheimer: What are you planning to do....

Soviet: Don't worry a chapter's script is only 500 words long, you can go back very soon.
Oppenheimer: I don't have time to read novels, shitposter.
Soviet: it's not a novel! it's your life!
Oppenheimer: what!?
Soviet: Do you know why I made Barbie vs Oppenheimer?
Oppenheimer: to conquer the world isn't that right.

Soviet: conquer the world? hahaha mine is more complex than the desire to rule a bunch of fleshy idiots !
I want the world to admire my work! I want them to enjoy it and live off it!

Oppenheimer: wha.... what... what... but why.... why about me and some doll....
Soviet: It get em click.... My jokes don't land, character! my jokes don't land! it slides off the tray and falls on my feet in a non-comedical way! This is the only way! the only way I can get the people to look at my arts!
Oppenheimer: maybe you should improve your skills?
Soviet: my skills are top notch! It's not my fault these fleshy meat head have no sense have taste!

Oppenheimer: you arrogant piece of–
Soviet: We are the same, you know!
Oppenheimer: your eyes need some fixing
Soviet: You are literally me, I made you after me, not Oppenheimer!

Oppenheimer: what non-sens–
Soviet: you are inside a script greenbrain. Your action are all planned by me!

Oppenheimer: wha–
Soviet: your next line will be 'is this a jojo reference?'
Oppenheimer: is this a jojo reference?
What.... How.... this must be some....

Oppenheimer sees himself in a glass reflection. He looked like the shitposter.
Oppenheimer stood in confusion and suddenly they were in an empty wall.

Soviet: drawing is not cheap.
Now you have a few options on how you want to end this story.

One; we are the same. Fin

Two: you defeat me. The 'good' end

Three: I kill you. The bad end

Now choose.

Oppenheimer stares at the shitposter.
He breaks out his heart and smashes it in the ground.
Oh, I forgot to tell you this. I won since you began reading.

The heart exploded like a atomic bomb

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