You've Upset The Dragon

Start from the beginning

"I'm not~!" He began to protest but Yona cut him off. "Gija, teasing people is Hak's hobby. Don't let it get to you." She informed him. "My hobby?" Hak echoed. Yun came out from the forest. "Lets get going!" He ordered. "Okay!" Yoan cheered.

We walked down the path as Yun concentrates on a map in his hands. "Gija, you can scene the other dragons right?" Yun asked tiredly. "By sharpening my minds eye, I can feel their presence." Gija agrees. "Then tell us who's closest, then." Yun suggested.

"I shall try."Gija agreed and closed his eyes in concentration. "I believe the closest one is the Blue Dragon." Gija announces. "You even know who it is?" Yun asked amazed. "Where his he?" I asked tugging on Gija's robe sleeves. Gija looked to his left and pointed in that direction. "I feel something coming from over there." Gija said.

"Uh, that locations awfully broad..." Yun mumble scratching the back of his head in though. "Don't worry! Follow me everyone!" Gija reassures placing his hand to his waist. He marched forward taking lead of the group. "I will worry! I'm worried about following someone who's never left his village before!" Yun yelled annoyed as he watches Gija take his place.

Gija looked over his shoulder as he continued to walk in the direction he pointed to, we all trailed behind him. "This may be my first time outside, but I know about the world. My clan has visited various regions and gathers information~" Gija began protesting but I cut him off. "Gija! Stop your about to~" I cried but stopped as Gija stepped into a hole.

"Gija!" Me and Yona shouted as we ran over to the hole and looked down. Gija spotted a centipede. "Wh-Wh-what are these!" Gija stuttered as he nervously watched the bugs move. "Who gave them permission to make their home here?" Giji cried in objection. A bug crawled onto his shoe. And a worm landed on his nose. "NO! STOP!" Gija yelled. "You can follow behind us White Dragon, stay back." Yun said blankly.

I jumped down and picked up the bug off Gija's shoe and and worm on his noes. I shivered as I touched the worm it was disgusting. I then crawled out of the hole with Haks's help from above and pulled Gija out. I patted his clothes and assured him he had no bugs on him."I still feel them crawling all over me." Gija stuttered looking around as if expecting to see more bugs.

"I see that dragons are weaker then bugs." Hak tease."N-No! I just dislike creepy, crawly creatures!" Gija explained his hand flying around in a nervous angry mess. "I've been granted the proud, divine strength of the White Dragon. It isn't like that of ordinary men!" Gija protested. "Look, more bugs." Hak said looking at Gija's shoulder. Gija began to freak out.

"Well, whatever. I'm not expecting much from your dusty old power." Hak stated as I calmed down Gija. Suddenly Gija stopped glaring at Hak and Hak's teasing grin was wiped of his face. Hak stepped in front of the princess. "Princess, hide." Hak demanded. Gija looked around the forest wildly. "What's wrong, Gija?" I asked.

"Someone's coming." Gija mumbled. "There are quit a few of them." Hak added. "Their footsteps sound unrefined." Gija noted. "That's bad! We're near the Fire Tribe's land!" Yun shouted. "Is the Fire Tribe our enemy?" Gija asked confused. "Yeah, basically." Hak answered surveying the forest.

Most likely checking for escape routes and good hiding places. "Hay, Hak, can I use my bow?" Yona asked eagerly. "I won't allow it. Go hide." Hak replies. "Can I use my daggers?" I asked nervously. Hak looked at me "You wanna fight?" He asked sounding doubtful. "I can fight, I wanna help." I insisted. Hak looked me up and down. "Absolutely not, your legs are trembling and your ands are shacking." Hak answers.

"But, I wanna be useful!" I protested. "Go hide with Yona and Yun. If anyone approaches you and tries to attack you then you can fight to defend yourself." Hak explained. I open my mouth to protest more. "Let's go!" Yun says grabbing my hand along with Yona's and dragging us over behind a bush. Just as we managed to hide dozens of bandits surround Hak and Gija.

My hands trembled. Bandits. I hate bandits. "Well, who would've thought we'd find prey out here?" Said one of the bandits happily "They don't look like they have much." Complained a other bandit next to him. I reached down and clutched my yellow dagger. "Oh, they're just bandits." Hak says relieved. "What does that mean?" Gija asked looking around as the large group of men who had gather around him.

"No, look. There are are two woman and a little girl over there." Says a bandit spotting us. My eyes widen and I tighten my grip on my dagger. "I am a handsome young man!" Yun corrected quietly in an angry tone. The bandit walks up to Gija. "This boy's wearing some nice clothes." The bandits says examining Gija.

I scowled as the bandit pulled a knife out and held it near Gija's face. "I bet we could sell him, too!" the man continued. Gija glanced at Hak. "Hay, it's all right if I tear them apart, isn't it?" Gija asks him annoyed with the bandits. "Or you could hide, if you want." Hak suggested teasingly. "Who should hide?" Gija questioned. Gija shifted his shoulders as I notice his arm start to boil.

"What's wrong boy? Are you trembling?" The bandit teased excitedly. "Don't worry. If you behave, we won't kill y~"the bandit started but stopped as he reached for Gija's arm. He cried out in pain. "What happened?!" Asks another bandit. "I-I don't know, but his hand is boiling hot!" Stuttered the burnt criminal. "Huh? Don't be stupid." protested the bandits friend. Gija clutched his arm.

"You should be careful what you touch. This power has been waiting thousands of years to protect it's master.... Not even I can control it." Gija explained menacingly. Maybe the bandits will get the beating the deserve. His hand grew ten times it original size. His sharp claws gleamed in the sunlight. "O no." I mumbled as a satisfied smile curled my lips "You've upset the dragon."

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