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"I did it! I beat Ganon! Did you see, Jimin ?"

Jungkook put down his controller next to him on the couch, raising his arms with a big smile. Beside him, Jimin didn't seem to pay attention to him. His eyes focused on his cell phone.

Jungkook frowned, and turned to Taehyung, sitting on his right.

"Taehyung, Taehyung! Look!!!"

But he noticed that Taehyung also seemed lost in thought and was not paying any attention to him.

Jungkook puffed out his cheeks, a pout on his face.

"Hyungs! What's going on?"

"Do you know where Yoongi is? "

Taehyung's question surprised Jungkook. He arched an eyebrow and thought for a few seconds.

He knew that Namjoon and Hoseok had gone to the public library for some research, but he couldn't remember which. Jin had gone to the grocery store.

And Yoongi... well, he didn't remember seeing him or even remembering him leaving the apartment.

"He's been missing for a while, he doesn't answer when I try to call him..." Jimin sighed as he threw his phone down next to him.

They remained silent for a few seconds, while the game on the television continued to play its cinematic.

Jungkook turned his head and noticed that the window was slightly open. He pointed at it with his chin to his partners.

The three demons then glanced at each other. They figured it out. They knew where Yoongi had gone.

"You think he went..." began Jungkook.

"I wouldn't even be surprised, he was very quiet yesterday after Namjoon's explanations." Jimin continued.

And they all knew that at those times, it meant that Yoongi had something on his mind. And when he did, he became the most stubborn person alive. Nothing and no one could make him change his mind.

"That guy... Ah, when he gets home, he'll hear me." Taehyung sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

Jungkook jumped to his feet.

"Are you going to wait quietly for him to come back?" He asked, crossing his arms before straightening up from the couch. "Because I'm not. We've been waiting for this moment for way too long."


Yoongi was... well she couldn't describe him. His voice was sweet, his little vibrato always made her body shiver a little. Besides, he was so kind, so gentle, she had never seen so much tenderness in a gaze that was destined to her.

Well, of course, there was Jin. But that was so, so long ago.

She bit her lower lip nervously. Thinking about him made her heart ache. She was close to him like she never was since the two of them were separated, yet so far at the same time. She still hadn't thought about how she would manage it. She'd never figured out how to get his memory back, and she'd never found him at all to try anything though.

At first, she had planned to spend the afternoon with her books, researching curses, spells, or some kind of memory-related magic. She wanted to have some sort of plan before she tried any approach with her soulmates.

But it seems that one of them decided otherwise.

Yoongi never took his eyes off her. She seemed to be lost in her thoughts for some reason, probably his visit disturbed her.

He couldn't read her mind, she was probably powerful enough to block her mind to telepaths, as he and his demon boyfriends were. His admiration for her only grew stronger and stronger.

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