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When Namjoon returned home, saying he was ecstatic was a euphemism. He'd finally found her. Their last soul mate. After all these years. He met her by accident in a shop that his friend had recommended to him. What was the probability? Shit, he should thank Bangchan properly. He will be eternally grateful to him.

But her reactions when they met worried him. Something happened to her. Something that frightened her at the thought of bonding with her soulmates. They needed to know everything about her. Her past, her wounds, her fears, so that Namjoon and his other soulmates could help her. He wanted nothing more than for them all to be together, as they always wanted, as they always talked about.

They all had so many exciting projects to do. But they always waited, they didn't want to do anything until they were all together.

The time has come. Finally.

But to do all of that, he needed to tell them about her.

He slammed the door so hard that he woke up the black cat and Hoseok who were both sleeping peacefully on the sofa.

"Sorry hyungs," he apologized before taking off his jacket, "I have something really, really important to tell you and...-"

Namjoon, what's that smell?

Yoongi's voice echoed in Namjoon's and Hoseok's head. Namjoon wasn't surprised he already noticed it. In his cat form, his hyung's senses were sharper. Hoseok frowned and came near his boyfriend to smell him. Slowly, he lifted his eyes to meet his partners. Her sweet vanilla scent was still barely on him, but enough for demons like his boyfriends to notice it.

"Joonie, you're finally back! Oh, something happened, Hobi? You should see your face! "

Jungkook appeared behind Hoseok, giving him a back hug while his head rested on his shoulder. The others joined them quickly. Everyone was there for Namjoon's relief. On the way back to their home, he was afraid that the maknaes had decided to go out on the town as they used to do.

But unlike Hoseok and Yoongi, they didn't seem to notice her smell on him.

Fuck, he didn't even know how to tell them. Why was he so nervous? They all waited for that day.

But he couldn't forget how she acted towards him. When their eyes finally met each other, how was her reaction during their handshake. The way she read the part of the book, the tears she had held back.

She didn't reject him though, he was sure of that.

"Is everything okay? Oh... you smell really good, is that a new perfume ?"

He shook his head at Jin's question. Namjoon noticed the oldest's face changed quickly. Jin was confused in some way Namjoon didn't understand. He, too, must have wondered where that sweet smell Namjoon had on him came from.

He looked at each of his boyfriends and took a deep breath before finally saying the words that would change their lives forever.

"I met our last soulmate."

The room remained quiet for long seconds. He noticed that Yoongi had returned to his human form, and had the same look as his boyfriends.

Suddenly, they all started asking Namjoon questions. Who's this person? What's their name? Was the vanilla smell theirs? Was Namjoon sure they were their last soulmate? If so, why didn't he bring them here?

The only one who stayed calm was Jin. He was standing behind Namjoon, staring at him in a somewhat strange kind of way that Yoongi had noticed. But he said nothing. He probably had to absorb the information too.

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