Mindy: oh my God!  He's making a requel! 

Samantha: a what

Owen: a reboot/ sequel 

Mindy: exactly  or a legacyquel  fans are torn on  the terminology

Chad: God  please  speak  English 

Mindy: remember  the stab movie  that came out last year 

Liv: oh yeah!  The one  the knives out guy directed  right    I actually  really liked that one 

Mindy: of course  you did  you have terrible taste 

Liv: I hate you 

Mindy: the point is  the hard-core  stab fans  hated it   you go on 4chan and  dreadit   all they're talking about  is how  stab 8  pissed  on  their childhoods
How  they  crammed  in  social commentary   just  to  make it  elevated
How the main character is  a  Mary Sue

Richie: what's a Mary Sue

Wes: you really don't want to know

Amber: what's wrong with elevated horror   I mean Jordan peele fucking rules 

Mindy: obviously  but  that's not stab
Real stab movies  are  meta slasher  whodunits  full stop

Samantha: come on  it's just a movie

Mindy: no it's not   to some people  the original  is their favorite  thing in the world   the movie  that made them love horror  that mom or dad  showed them when they were ten  that bonded them together  and  God  help anyone  who slightly  fucks  with that  special memory    who makes  a movie  they think  disrespects it    it sounds like  our killer  is  writing  his own version of stab 8  but  doing it  as a requel 

Dewey: which is 

Mindy: see  you can't just reboot a franchise  from scratch  anymore  the fans  won't stand for it   black Christmas   child's play   flatliners   that shit doesn't work   but  you can't just do a straight sequel  either    you got to build  something new  but not too new or the internet goes  bug fucking nuts
It has to be part  of  an ongoing story line  even if the story  shouldn't have been  ongoing  in the first place  new main characters  yes   but supported by and are related to  legacy characters
Not quite a reboot   not quite a sequel
Like  the new Halloween  saw  terminator   jurassic park   Ghostbusters   fuck  even  star wars!
It always   always  goes back to the original!

Samantha: are you telling me  that I'm caught in the middle of  fan fucking fiction 

Mindy: not just in the middle Sam
You and Owen are the stars

Liv: so not to put too fine a point on it
But  according to  requel  rules   who's next

Mindy: going by pattern   whoever it is has to be  connected  to someone  that came before 

(As everyone looks over at  Dewey and owen)

Dewey: I'm starting to regret coming here

Owen: you and me both dad

Wes: Jesus  my mom was a character in one of them 

Mindy: no one cares about the shitty inferior sequels  Wes    you're safe
(Looking at chad) with  randy as our uncle though   you and I  are probably screwed

Chad: wait  what

Richie: or you're the killer  and this whole elaborate  monologue  is just to cover  your  tracks

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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