Just the beginning pt2

Start from the beginning

Yuri: *whispers* me and you against the world. *blushes*

Jabali: *whispers* *kisses on lips* go ahead and go back to the backseat, fine self.

Yuri: *kisses back* *whispers* okay. *carefully goes back to the backseat*
—————-*one hour later*—————————————
Cai: *stretches & yawns* Everybody wake up! Anybody has the watch and what time is it?

Ambilia: *yawns* No haven't seen it. *taps yuri*

Yuri: *wipes eyes* what's up!?

Ambilia: seen the watch?

Yuri: uh. I think I seen Jabali have it.

Jabali: *looks nervously* oh! Yes I forgot I had it..

Yuri & Ambilia: what time is it?

Jabali: it's uhh. 12:32pm we still have time to drive and look for an area.

Yuri: yes please! I can't take this car anymore.

Touri: *yawns* I'd rather sleep in the classroom then to sleep closer to roaches. Except for my boyfriend!

Jabali: hehe. Yeah. Uhh. *drives off*

Yuri: hey Jabali? Can you turn the air on its hot back here!

Jabali: okay I got you. *turns ac on*

Yuri: much better. Thanks.

Jabali: No problem!

Ambilia: yuri? Do you have any advice on crushes?

Yuri: oh uhh depends who you're talking about.

Ambilia: you know.. *whispers* Jabali.

Yuri: ohhh. Uh. What a-advice do you need?

Ambilia: to ask him out... I've been wanting to for so long. Touri will get over it.

Touri: I heard my name! What are you talking about?

Ambilia: touri I simply said you'll get over it.

Touri: get over what? What are you yabbing about?

Ambilia: *takes deep breath* look..I know you hate me, the feeling is mutual..but I-

Touri: you bet your death bed I do. I hate even breathing the same air as you. You and whoever stands in the way of my life.

Ambilia: Um which I bet you do. Anyways what I was saying *hesitant but grabs touri hands* somethings just has to pass. It's either hatred or grudges. I'm letting go to whatever you did to me in the pass, it's no longer affecting my future.

Touri: oh- this doesn't change a thing, you ruined my life! I'm hating you until you perish! Then maybe I'll consider forgiving and forgetting what you did.

Ambilia: whatever Touri. I'm done letting you get the best of me. I'm better than this. What I always wanted to do was confess...

Yuri: maybe, it's not a good time to confess.

Jabali: yea, Yuri is right. It's not going to change anything. *looks down the road while driving*

Touri: shut it Jabali let her "confess" that she's a brat and a reject.

Ambilia: *takes a slow breath in and blows it out* JABALI ..I LIKE YOU SO VERY MUCH! YOURE SUCH A CHARM! YOU DONT DESERVE TO BE IN A CAPTIVE AND CONTROLLING FREAKING RELATIONSHIP WITH TOURI! you could be with me. Will you be with me? *looks down and feels relieved *

Yuri: wow..*looks at jabali*

Cai: she really just confessed her love for jabali..

Touri: I FREAKING KNEW IT! you lying son of a b-

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