"We're not Worthy!" Austin starts chanting as Lorna approaches them. He's bowing at her with his hands waving back and forth. Connor tells him to stop being so lame.

"Hey guys," she says with a smile.

"Hello my queen," Austin replies with a dramatic flourish. Connor rolls his eyes, while Kate bursts out laughing. Yep, they're floating in the clouds alright.

"Hey Lorna," Connor replies with a smile, his eyes all squinty, making Lorna laugh even more.

"Seen Sarah anywhere?"

"Eh, uh," Austin scratches his head, "she went out back, I think..."

Thanking them, She turns away, laughing, thinking, "I wouldn't mind a bit of what they're having. Maybe I'll ask Reece for some later, although he'll probably say no. The last time I smoked weed and drank, I puked all over him as I got the greenies."

As she walks toward the back, she spots Sarah. She notices Sarah's gaze directed somewhere, but then Sarah turns to look at her. The same person who had caught Sarah's attention notices Lorna too.

Curious, Lorna follows Sarah's gaze, and when she sees what—or rather who—had sparked such intense animosity in Sarah, and everything freezes. Her knees wobble, a sharp pang hits her heart, and tears well up instantly. She swiftly turns around and bolts through the house, running past everyone. Austin and Connor try to call her back, but she's gone, and they're way too high to catch up.

"Shit," Connor mutters. "She looked really upset. Where's Reece? We need to tell him." Both of them head outside in search of Reece.

And there he is, Reece, in the midst of a heated exchange with Yara.

"I told you I wanted nothing to do with you anymore! Why the fuck did you kiss me?" Reece's voice is seething.

"I know why," a scornful voice interrupts— it's Sarah.

Reece's gaze shifts to her, and he lets out a mocking laugh. His glare turns to Yara. "You wanted to make Sarah jealous, is that it?"

"W-what? No," Yara whines, "I ju—"

"She wanted to make Lorna jealous or more to the point she wants Lorna to hate you, isn't that right, Sarah?" annoyance drips from her voice.

Reece's brow creases at the mention of Lorna. "Shiiiiiit," Austin's voice chimes in, causing Reece's head to snap towards him. "We just saw Lorna running out of here looking really upset," Connor adds, his voice equally concerned.

"Fuck," Reece's voice thunders with anger. He takes a menacing step towards Yara, his gaze drilling into her, "You better pray that my friendship isn't shredded to bits because of you. I have no fucking clue why you'd want to make her jealous or hate me. She's never done jack shit to you. But you - you've been nothing but a total bitch to her since the moment you laid eyes on her."

He turns to walk away, and she can't let it be. "She's not good enough for you," she blurts out.

He spins around, his tone cutting through the air, "How the fuck would you know? You don't even know her."

"She's ruined all your relationships, I've heard," she presses on, her words dripping with accusation. "She plays you all—Nick, Connor, even Austin. I've heard she's slept with half the guys in town." His brows furrow at that, wondering what the hell she's talking about. But she doesn't stop there. "I'm just trying to help you, Reece. I want to protect you. You're my friend, and I care about you." He laughs, but there's no humor in it—just boiling anger.

And then she pushes it further, like a bull in a china shop. "Hey, did you even stop and think this girl isn't that nice?!" Her plea is desperate.

"Please, Reece, I only wanted to help. Kady said..." He tilts his head, his patience wearing thin, and he demands, "What the hell does Kady have to do with any of this?"

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