Wouldn't want those zappy-zappy things to happen to me, like what I read in romance novels. Doesn't it hurt when a jolt passes by between them or something? It's not 'love at first sight', nor there were 'sparks' between them, okay? I really blame friction for that.

"I was the one who put it in the corner there, so I," he puts it back to its original place before looking at me with a mildly annoying grin, "will put it back."

"Good for you." I stated, wanting to end the conversation and get on with my day. By this time, my shins were aching so I completely sat on the floor, not caring if my pants will have dirt stains later on. I could just dust them off if need be.

I opened my book and read the first page while being completely aware of the stranger's gaze. I expected him to leave me alone, just like the others, but he didn't. Instead, he also joined me on my comfy spot, even sitting close to me. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he wanted to annoy me until I leave. Our knees were almost touching and it took everything in me not to move. If I move, I lose. Because it meant he was affecting me and my train of thought.

"Aren't you even going to ask why?"



"Fuck off."

"I won't."

I pursed my lips to prevent the groan of frustration from coming out. This bitchass-

I kept my face expressionless, acting as if he wasn't there. What you don't see, you'll never see. What you don't see, you'll never see again-

He knew I was silently fuming.

"If you must know why, oh no- I insist you listen," he forcefully sat me back down when I was trying to get up and leave, "e-ehem," he made a notion of clearing his throat as if he's going to give a big speech about the country's economy.

Excuse me, sir mister, you don't have to drag me down like that. It seemed boundaries do not exist when it comes to this person.

I'm apprehensive about all this. I don't like him. And by now, I'm already glaring at him. I hate how his head tilted to the side when looking at me, how the corner of his eyes crinkled and how they turn into crescents when he smiled, and I didn't notice this before, but he had dimples near his mouth. It doesn't help that he had straight teeth and had a pleasant voice as he explained to me why.

...alright, he's mildly annoying now, I'd give him that.

"The reason why I put it there was because I wanted to read it for later. You putting it on another place would deprive me of reading it."

Wow, deprive. Big word.

"And you wouldn't find it here again otherwise?" I felt the corner of my mouth twitch and he saw it, his eyes lighting up.

Given that the fiction book section was so small and the light blue book so distinct among the other dark colored book spines, he would've found it easily. I was also going to put it in a more noticeable place for people to see in the first place, had he not interrupted me.

"In this big of an aisle?" He gestured wildly, "I wouldn't!"

With that, I quietly let out a snicker.

I think he was mesmerized by how full my cheeks were when I smiled, I do have chubby cheeks after all, if it weren't for the glasses I wore.

"And in the first place, I'm not a hater of BL. It's just not my type of book." I tried conversing with him casually, as if his relieved smile did nothing to my heart. It's as if he overcame a hurdle and came out victorious. To what, I don't know.

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