A second dream.

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I dreamt of our world ending. Again.

This tim, it was different. It was a sunny day. Me and my blurry friend-- blurry because her face was blurry, I don't know her-- just got out of the mall with different paper bags in hand, all smiles as we talked about how many things we bought.

We suddenly felt a rapid rise in temperature, and my friend screamed as she saw something behind me.

It was a meteor. It was as big as the Earth, and it fell right into the city, a bit far away from us and the mall. (Don't ask me why the mall was far from the city, I too, don't know.)

As the meteor crashed, we still felt the rise in  temperature, but I didn't mind it. Both me and my friend were panicking, but we had the same thought:

To hold our breaths.

I said, "The world is ending." And held my breath, closing my ears and squatting together with my blurry friend, who, even with a blurry face, I can tell was pale.

Even when we held our breaths, we still weren't safe. We both suffocated, and it lasted about five seconds, but that was the most agonizing, painful, and torturous five seconds of my life in the dream.

Then I didn't suffocate anymore.

As we stood, we saw the meteor reversing it's entry into our atmosphere, slowly retreating from our planet until we didn't see it anymore. It brought it's damage with it, rebuilding the city that it destroyed.

What happened was sort of a time reversal, I think.

Whatever it was, I'm fucking glad it happened.

Magnus And Musings.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora