Chapter 7: Vernon

Start from the beginning

"W-wait!" Chan reaches forward and grabs my hand causing a shock to shoot through my body, "C-come in! Wait in here I won't be long, I just need to get dressed and get some last minute things together!"

I let him pull me in and blushed more, avoiding eye contact to keep myself sane. Chan this close, his hand on mine. The only thing keeping him decent is a towel he has a death grip on. Then there's me who's having the most uninnocent thoughts about the innocent boy in front of me.

"Yeah, okay I'll wait in here!" I said before walking in cautiously, trying to think of anything else as I made my way in and sat on the couch.

"I'll just be a few minutes!" Chan said, before running into his room and shutting the door.

"Take your time!! No rush at all!" I called out after him, remembering to message the group chat to let them know he's okay and awake.

Chan came back out quickly and I looked up, noticing he was wearing a short sleeved shirt before realizing it was OUR shirt. A Bands Boys shirt. That we don't even sell yet. I wonder how he got that? I guess maybe Jeonghan or Minghao? I blushed at the thought of him having merch of us before he started speaking and I finally made eye contact, "Sorry about... all of that... Here's your shirt back... Thank you for letting me borrow it."

I nodded as I carefully took it from his hands, "Of course, any time, I think it looked good on you, better than on me so... where did you get that shirt?" I asked, smiling widely at him as he blushed.

"Oh... Minghao gave it to me on the night we met... I guess you can say that I'm your number one fan now!" he said jokingly.

My heart skipped a beat as I smiled softly, "Well, then you're my favorite fan... I like it. It looks good, I've just never seen one before. Wait, that's what you're wearing to swim in??" My stomach sank as I thought of him using it as a swim shirt since it would be ruined.

"No! I have a change of clothes!" Chan went and grabbed a bag near the door, "An old shirt and shorts! I would never risk ruining something I got the night we met!"

I smiled and nodded, almost giggling to myself at the fact that it's apparently special since he got it the night we met. Maybe he thinks I'm special too... "Oh, okay! Just making sure since you're in jeans!"

"Is that bad? I've never gone to a pool like this before." Chan asked, tilting his head. I can never get enough of that cute puppy look.

I looked at him curiously, "You've never gone to a pool like this?? But any pool would be bad with jeans! They get wet and gross and heavy and you can't swim and they stick to your legs!"

"I mean... My high school had a pool! We'd all change in a locker room so everyone would change before going into the pool!" Chan said, seeming cautious.

I nodded casually, deciding to just drop it, "Oh! Okay, yeah me too, but I just wear my suit where I'm going if I'm going straight there! I guess everyone does things differently! Are you ready!"

Chan blushed and I watched him glance at my lap, "So... is there no underwear or...?"

I blushed, putting the folded shirt in my lap. I didn't even think about that. What if he noticed a reaction earlier! I don't think I had one but... "Uh, I mean... there's built in underwear net stuff in most swim trunks do you... do you not swim in swim trunks? Did you wear like a..." I gulp at the thought of him in anything with less fabric than swim trunks, "A speedo or something in highschool???"

He looked at me, head tilted, "What's a speedo?"

Oh thank God. Now how do I explain this, "Tight... uh... underwear like swimsuits? Like... women's swim bottoms... bikini bottoms for men? Spandex? I don't know how to describe it... uh... leotard? That's just underwear? But it's a swimsuit? I mean... I'm sure you'd look good in one but... I can't imagine they'd have them in highschool!" I rambled, turning redder and looking away. I glanced back to see him looking back at his butt before quickly looking away again.

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