Chapter Twenty-one

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  Testing the waters Nickolas nuzzled into Elizabeth's neck, tickling her with his whiskers. Another small shudder went through her and he could feel the gooseflesh rising up her neck.
  He nuzzled her again letting his lips brush her skin. Elizabeth sighed and relaxed into him a bit more.
  Slowly, he lowered his mouth to her neck, parting his lips just a hairs width from her skin, his breath tickling her and causing more gooseflesh. Elizabeth tilted her head away giving him full access to her slender neck. I'm going to regret this. Nickolas pushed the thought away.
  Feather light and painfully slow, his lips brushed her skin in the smallest of kisses. A tiny, inexplicable sound escaped her lips. I'm going to enjoy this. Nickolas moved slowly toward her jaw, letting his breath caress her skin. He tickled the corner where her jaw line nearly reached her ear, with the tip of his nose before lowering his mouth to her skin again. Gently grazing her skin with the tip of his tounge before pressing his lips into her. Elizabeth shuddered and wrapped her arms around him. He continued leaving a trail of soft kisses up and down her neck. Elizabeth's response to his touch was shocking to say the least. She pulled him ever closer, reaching up his back and wrapping her arms around his neck. Her sighs and shivers made him weak in the knees. Nickolas was greedy for more. No, slow. Slow and careful. He had to remind himself how delicate the situation was. If he pushed for more she'd be terrified. She'd trusted him with this much.

  He trailed kisses up her jaw and ended at her chin. Pressing his forehead into hers he looked deep into her eyes. He couldn't explain what he saw there. Deep pools of emerald glistening with unshed tears, searched his face desperate for something he didn't understand. A lone tear trailed down her flushed cheeks, and Nickolas kissed it away.
  "N-n Nick.. " She seemed lost and confused.
"What's wrong darlin?"
"I-i. N-nothing I, I just. I," Elizabeth trailed off unable to express the emotion swirling in her eyes.
"Too much?" He asked plainly.
"Y-yes. A-and no." Her eyes begged him to understand what her voice couldn't say. When he didn't respond, she leaned in and abruptly pressed her lips to his. She was awkward and inexperienced. Starting to understand, Nickolas took control of the kiss. At first slow and tender, he cupped the back of her neck with one hand and pulled her hips into him with the other. Elizabeth wrapped her arms around his neck and begged him closer. He deepened the kiss, claiming more of her mouth. She tangled her hands in his messy hair and pulled him closer still. His kiss became ravenous and Elizabeth moaned against his mouth.
Breathless, he broke contact. Elizabeth looked startled and perhaps a bit ashamed.
"Sweetheart." His voice came out horse and heavily accented. "You okay?"
"I-i, I don't k-kmow." She pressed her fingertips to her lips, looking bewildered.
"Talk to me darlin'."
"I-i," Elizabeth stared at him mouth agape, tears began to fall and her breathing became labored.
"Shhhh. Breath, darlin'." Why is she panicking, after the fact? Was it my own greed that made me think she wanted it?
"Shh, slow down. Take a deep breath." He tried to calm her.
"I-im s-so conf-fused."
"Tell me, darlin'." He wiped her tears and carefully tucked her hair behind her ears. "Did I go to far?"
"No." She seemed frustrated with herself, not being able to say what she wanted to. "I-i w-want, b-but I-i," her words trailed off as her tears took control.
Realization dawned on Nickolas. Fool! Of course she's confused. "You want more, but your afraid. Is that it?" Elizabeth nodded violently and he pulled her close. "Sweetheart, you don't have to be afraid." What a stupid thing to say, of course she does. "I won't pressure you, and at anytime you say stop," he held his hands above his head in a gesture of surrender. "I'll stop, hands off, back away. Until you say otherwise, alright?"
Elizabeth gave a small nod.
"I think, we both could use some personal space for a minute. And your dumb husband invited a guest to supper. Why don't we get dressed, unpack your crate and get ready for company?" Another small nod and she slipped off the table and scurried away to her room.

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