{ Preparation }

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~ B : Bandu ~ BM : Bambi Minion ~

After several years of this damned day to day torture, I've finally found something, something that can put an end to this misery... I've created something that can bring out Expunged's true form, where the cause of this mess is, and once that's out, I can remove that curse from her, and.. And then everything will go back to normal.. A-and... God I can't tear up, it's okay, everything will be fine, I've got this...
I just need to work out my plan and I'll.. I'll finally be able to bring back my sister...
I've discovered that there's a crystal on the chest of her true form, and if I can break it off, she'll finally be freed from this hellhole, we'll finally return back home, and all this pain can end. I just... Need to hope for the very least that after all this time, I'll finally free everyone and things can go back to normal.. All of this has given me such a headache, and it's tiring me out, but I just need to keep working and eventually, I might just finally do what I've wanted to do ever since this began.
I walked out of my office, it's time to get to work, I've had everyone working as much as possible to build a large machine that will blast a laser at Expunged, to bring out her true form, and if I do this successfully, I'll be able to use another device to get the crystal out of her, if this works... Then that may be the greatest achievement I've made.


If it doesn't work... I don't know what will, and we all may just be here for the rest of our lives... It's horrible because several of us are immortal, and if this fails, we may never escape.
I just..  Need this to work.

"Sir! Sir! Mister Banduu-- Earth to Mister Bandu!!" -BM

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at who was calling me.

"What is it...?" -B
"We have sightings on the Kraken!" -BM
"We do?! Show me, immediately!" -B

I was surprised by this, usually the radar doesn't track Expunged, but finally, it did!
After all this time... It... It..


This was bad, this was horrible, something has happened and Expunged has been set off too earlier, this isn't what I was ready for... We need to finish things quickly before this becomes a large issue for us.
She was already in her true form, so part of the machine that we had built is useless, but I don't think the machine's laser itself will be enough to remove the crystal.. I need to get out there myself and use something I made a while back to let me attach to the crystal and try to pull it off--
What I need to figure out is how I'm gonna do it... I don't want to hurt her, but I also want to get the crystal off and set her free.. This could be dangerous, and I need to be really careful, one wrong move and I could mess it all up, and that's what makes me afraid of doing this...

With a long, passing moment, I thought quickly about what I would do, but I didn't know. I had an hour before she would awaken, and an hour isn't enough time for me... It was supposed to be 7 hours, but now I only have one last choice.

To get everyone I can, and get them to help me work through this, in hopes that it will not fail...
If something goes wrong, then may this curse end some day...

< 617 words >

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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