{ Occurrences. }

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< B = Bandu >

Another week, another agonizing 7 days. I was pretty tired but I kept myself awake with candy and coffee. I feel weird for combining them to have at the same time, at least it provided a good amount of energy for me to keep functioning, god when this is over, I'm gonna fucking hate the withdrawal I'll have to deal with.. I caaan't wait. I sighed, closing the opening on one of the submarines and screwdriving it back in. It was going pretty well today, despite how tired I was.. It *was* going well, but... I heard rumbling, it shook the area around me, I nearly fell whilst trying to keep my balance. This was when I realized it.


On the shore, I stood staring at the water, he was here. Expunged, she was rising from the water, I forgot how much it shook the island. I stared in awe, I didn't think they'd arrive so early in the morning.. It's 2 hours early?.. I was confused, but none the less I hurried back into the cabin and closed the door, rushing down the stairs into the main room of my base.


I shouted, rushing to the main tech, many screens stood before me with a pad covered in buttons. I stared, praying this would work as the progress run began, I hoped dearly it would run successfully, but knowing how the other attempts went.. It was unlikely this would go according to plan. I didn't care, I scoffed as I began my run, pressing several buttons all at once, rushing to get this to work.


It failed, again.. It may have caused aggravation to both Expunged and the system, damnit.. I'll have to repair it later, I sighed, upset. A couple minions came and comforted me about the failure, they were right about what they said, nothing works every time. Damnit I feel like giving up at this point... I can't. I can't give up, I've been putting my whole life to this, I just want my sibling back.


It's been several days, I was traveling through the woods if the island, hoping for something, anything even. I always think about my past when I do this, a chance to do so alone. I thought a lot about my boyfriend Cameo, that asshole David, god I fucking hate him.. I continued my thoughts, thinking about Sart Producer, the one who's been traveling to find and possibly kill me, I was lucky to out-rap her that one time. Though, what snapped me out of my thoughts was when I heard a spark of electricity nearby. Was there a broken device? I recognize that sound in some way.. But what reminds me of it?.. I shook my hea quickly, turning to go to the noise, but what I found.. I was surprised! It was.. Sart? Why is it here? How did she even get here?? I was confused, I noticed though... It wasn't powered on! And.. her ear, her arm, and her torso. They were all broken, her arm wasn't far from her, luckily, but her other pieces, I couldn't find. I spent no time gathering her up, rushing to my cabin.


It's been 4 hours, I finally fixed Sart and my results? She powered on! It worked! I was surprised that I got it to power on, but she was about to strike the moment she saw me.

"WAIT!" -B

I yelled, she paused for a moment,  tilting her head at me. I explained to it that I was the one who fixed her, that she was in my base currently. I told her that I found her in the forest. Alone and broken down. She seemed to calm down, luckily. I reminded myself and told her that I added a few new, harmless programs to her and told her that if she helped me, we could help return everything back to normal. She was convinced, settling down and getting off the bed. I asked if she was willing to cooperate and work with me, and simply, he agreed, I could tell she wanted to get things back to normal, to go back to the old times where she was freely hunting me down. I smiled at it, thanking her.


I felt like this was my 37th cup of fucking coffee today, it's been at least 2, 3 or maybe even 4 months and I haven't slept at all. I groaned, annoyed as I kept gettng told to rest, I denied every time. It was tiring, both figuratively and literally. I decided to leave and take a dive into the oceans with my main submarine. I left the room and went to the sub-garage. The doors opened as I hopes into my submarine, starting it up and exiting the garage. I sighed, smiling as I went down to through the waters, it was beautiful, I loved going down here went I didn't feel like dealing with shit, it was nice to see the pretty coral, the seagrass swaying in the gentle movements of the water, sea creatures roaming freely across the sand below and the clear, fresh waters throughout. I was enjoying it a lot, I rarely do this so I felt really happy and relaxed to be examining it again.


I was going to turn around and head back after relaxing myself, until I hear some lonely singing away in the distance, my curiosity got the best of me, the voice was masculine yet.. So beautiful, I needed to find the source of it. I moved my sub through the water, examining all around myself, using the sensors to pick up any nearby beings as I approached closer to the voice. After a moment or two, I got something on the sensors, a humanoid sea creature, I opened the file of it.. To my surprise, it was.. A Siren?! You mean I was lured near from a Siren's singing?? Oh god.. But the voice it's.. So pretty and addicting, I want to find out what this Siren looks likes, I moved further, sneaking my sub carefully through the big coral and long grass, watching closely for the Siren. Then... I saw it. A man with webbed hands, the usual Siren's tail, scales crawling across his face, mouth opened to reveal delicate, yet sharp teeth as he sang. He was accompanied by a yellow cap with a purple brim. He wore a necklace that seemed to be constantly fading from one color to another, in a rainbow pattern, he didn't seem to have a shirt though.. But his hair... Long, luscious, golden threads of hair sat against him, swaying from the water's soft pushes. I felt.. So deeply in love, it was beautiful.. I came to the decision, one not so great.

I would capture him.

I smiled, absolutely in love with his singing, I pressed a button that quietly opened a hatch in my submarine, and a small device that held a sedative laid within it, I waited for a bit though, I wanted to hear more of his singing. I laid back, staring directly at him, almost obsessively, yet not quite there.


It had been at least 7 minutes of listening to his glorious voice, I sighed calmly as I sat up right, activating the device to shoot the syringe into them, I was able to aim for their neck, providing an easy knockout. I watched as they fell unconscious before revealing my sub from the plants and moving it to the sleeping Siren. A pair of arms exited two hatches that opened on the sides of the submarine, carefully grabbing the Siren and taking them into the back of my sub, putting them delicately in a cage before closing it and hiding away as the hatches closed when the reentered. I grinned, lucky to be able to have caught this being, quickly, but gently turning the submarine and heading right back to my base, I was gonna put him in a special containment room, one that makes him feel comfortable in, one that provided me eay access to get to him. Damn he's really cute too-

< 1372 words. >

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