{ One Giant Arachnid. }

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< B = Bandu >

It's been at least 6 months total now, I'm exhausted, and my legs and screaming at me to close my eyes for just 5 seconds to pass out cold, but I can't, I know I shouldn't. It'd probably have some bad effect on me and I need to keep working.. I muttered to myself, sighing as I decided to go for a walk, nothing better than a nice walk in nature. Maybe later though, I should get some work done first.

< POV change, it is now Expunged's POV. >

I awoke, tired as fuuuuck... Uugh I should get something to eat or some shit.. Could get whale again or.. Maybe something new. Yeah, I'll go for something new. I slumped up to a standing position tiredly and stretched out my tentacles, letting out a gentle roar in the process. As I pulled back, I shook myself a bit, feels good to stretch. I got up completely and starting moving towards the exit of my cavern.


I was out of the cave and heading for the surface of the beautiful ocean below, I saw a small green and red point near the shore, it seemed big enough to eat. I surfaced the water, my eyes closed, I hate how long this takes to get out, but I am huge afterall so I can't be surprised.  When I fully surfaced, my eyes opened and darted directly at the two giants, they seemed small, works for me since there's two. Hm.. They look familiar though... Eh, who cares! I'm hungry. I stared at them as both my hands and tentacles rose from the water, they seemed to be holding some dead creature too, one small and one big, perfect meal to start a day. As I was about to lunge my tentacles at the two, something MUCH bigger dashed at me, giving me no time to react before it crashed into me. What the fuck is this guy's problem?! Wait... HOLY SHIT IT'S A GIANT ASS ARACHNID WHAT THE FU- The beast bit me on the torso and tried to rip and chunk out while it had me down on the water, luckily this mf didn't notice my 8 TENTACLES HAHAHA- My tentacles moved quickly and latched onto the beast, pulling it off and slamming it down onto shore, oh I cracked the smaller green one's horn from that, must've been the wave of impact when I slammed this motherfucker down. I growled at the beast, dumbass Arachnid.. I was about to do something before I realized I felt pain in one of my tentacles, resulting in me quickly pulling away, hissing in pain, that dickhead.. He gave me a deep scratch! Fuck I'm bleeding.. This little shit will pay for this... I looked at injury for a moment before growling at the Arachnid, I didn't move for a moment, until I suddenly lunged at them.

< Back to Bandu's POV. >

I heard lots of roars and slams emitting from outside my cabin, I went to go investigate, curious of why there was so much fighting. When I left the cabin, in the distance, there seemed to be a giant.. Actually two, but one's much bigger and dark blue. Wait.. It's bleeding! Oh shit.. I ran over rather quickly, the giant green one heard me though, turning to growl at me until it saw my size. I hesitated for a moment before take a couple steps forward.

"Hey.. Your friend's hurt, right..?" -B

I asked, tilting my head slightly, the giant paused before slowly nodding, the beastly-sized blue one was holding onto the other, trembling. Holy shit.. It's back arms are ripped off.. I think I can fix this. I asked if I could help, explaining that I could repair the damaged parts. The green giant thought for a moment, before nodding, carefully helping the blue one whilst following me.


It was successful, the giant was fixed, I was luckily able to learn their names, it was the Trixes! Some of Expunged's terrifying creations. I think they had gotten into a fight, that would explain all the serious damage, the poor thing could've died.. Butchatrix, the green one was very grateful, knowing it could trust me, luckily, Algebraicaitrix, this giant Arachnid trusts me too, I'm glad I could help them. Though, I'm curious to know where Badtrix was, the last of the trio, the red one. None the less, at least these two are alright, I asked to fix Butchatrix's horn too, they refused though, since it was just their horn, I think they're alright with it missing a bit of it. Less work for me I guess.


I helped the two return to their home, seems they live in a cave. I told them that if they wanted to come visit for anything, I'd be out in the cabin at shore, in the base I had fixed Algebraicaitrix's injuries. They really are nice if you can gain their trust. It also turns out Badtrix had fled back to the cave, and sadly it doesn't trust me, but that's fine.. And it would explain why I didn't see them out there. I wonder why they ran off though, but eh, it's none of my concern so I don't need to worry about it. Who knows, maybe he just didn't want to get hurt too, it'd make sense if that was why, I wouldn't want to get hurt either. Well, I told the three that I was gonna head back to my base, waving goodbye to them, they waved goodbye back as I walked off. They're pretty nice now that I think about it.

< 943 words. >

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