This familiar feeling of jealousy washed over Lux like how it did when she saw Jasmine hanging out with Shorter and Ash. Only this time Lux did something about it. She felt the anger bubble up in her chest and had to release it like an erupting volcano. "Get off of him!" Lux pulled the blonde by her arm.

The girl, known by Shorter's crew as Tori, turned to see what dumb bitch was stupid enough to touch her. Lux spotted Shorter's sunglasses hanging from the neck line of the girls tank top and snatched them off. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" Tori stepped up to Lux, towering over her by a few inches.

Shorter got between the two girls to deescalate the situation, knowing that Lux wasn't a fighter, "Alright alright, that's enough." He took his sunglasses back from Lux and pulled her back by the waist.

"Let go!" Lux tried charging forward to no avail. Shorter wrapped his arms around her tiny body to keep her from flailing around any further.

Tori laughed, "C'mon Shorter really? Don't tell me this girl thinks you two are actually a thing cuz you're giving her the time of day."

The exclusivity of the relationship between Lux and Shorter was never fully discussed. Lux was obviously not fooling around with anybody else but Shorter definitely was. It was something Lux didn't want to think about, hoping she was the only one he had eyes for but it was a naive thought. He was a single guy surrounded by a bunch of girls who wanted him, including her. Only difference was that all these girls put out when Lux wouldn't.

"Lux, calm down." Shorter advised, still holding her back. "It's fine."

"Listen to him, Lux." Tori taunted, "Before I have to actually hit you with a dose of reality." She smiled catching her fist in a punching motion. Lux scowled, spitting at the girls feet. Tori looked down with a fallen jaw. There was no way this stuck up bitch really spit at her. Tori lunged forward, grabbing a chunk of Lux's hair and pulled her out of Shorter's arm. She threw Lux to the dirt and went to kick her before Shorter intervened again.

Lux looked up through the tangled hair in her face and saw Shorter holding Tori by the arm. Seeing him touch her angered Lux even more. She didn't want his hands on any girl that wasn't her.

She then remembered a story that Fang told her about some girl sitting on Arthur's lap at their hang out. Fang described the situation as seeing red and losing control. All she remembered was yanking the girl to the floor and mounting her. She added how she loved to wear a bunch of rings to draw blood and hoping to leave an ugly scar on girls faces. That way whenever they looked in the mirror they'd remember who not to mess with. Lux followed in her footsteps and was glad she had a couple of rings on her right hand.

Lux pushed herself up and wrestled Tori to the ground, mounting her and ensuring that she kept the girl's arms pinned between her thighs to prevent her from throwing punches. Lux prepared to throw her first punch, but Shorter intervened and pulled her away. Despite kicking and shouting to be released, Shorter dragged her inside and placed her in the restroom, locking the door behind them.

"What the hells gotten into you?" Shorter raised his voice but Lux wasn't fazed in the slightest.

"Let me out!" Lux stomped, trying to reach behind him for the door knob.

"No." Shorter pulled her hand away, "If you go back out there I promise Tori's gonna hurt you. You caught her off guard and got lucky."

Lux smacked her lips, "Oh really?" She sarcastically laughed, "Is that what it is or you don't want to see her face busted open?" Shorter shook his head, not believing he was in this situation right now with Lux of all people. "Did you sleep with her?" Lux bluntly asked.

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