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It has been a few weeks since Cyne has been reunited with her brother, though she didn't get to spend as much time with him as she had wanted to; he had been with Uhtred on 'missions' as he would call them. Cyne had got to bond with Uhtred's wife, Lady Gisela she was a very sweet and loving lady she had shown Cyne around and made her feel at home, she had never felt safe in her own home before but the way Lady Gisela and Uhtred had welcomed her into their home made her feel secure.

Cyne was in Winchester, she was there for two weddings, her sister's Thrya and one of Uhtred's oldest friends Father Beocca's weddings was first. She watch as Uhtred placed there hands on top of each others ''i am witness: you are together, never to part, bound as man and his wife" Cyne was standing next to Sihtric and Finan, also one of Uhtred's friends, she couldn't help but tear up for her sister all Thrya had dreamed of was a beautiful wedding and finding the love of her life, Thrya had told Cyne about how the night she was taken by Sven she was meant to be getting married and how she was beyond excited but she had never seen herself getting married again. Finan started rubbing her shoulder as a source of comfort. she looked up to him and gave him a small smile to say thanks, Beocca had asked Uhtred for a prayer to which he had responded he didn't know any, the whole room had chuckled.

Hild, a warrior nun who again was one of Uhtred's friends, spoke up "I will say a prayer. Let us pray that God and all his saints and all his angels in heaven, smile and bless you. Let us pray that this union of dane and saxon can show that this is a land for all people. Amen" As the prayer finished Thrya and Beocca had turned to one another and hugged. Cyne heard the door open and saw a glimpse of a red-haired man walk out. She hadn't learnt his name yet but she had decided she didn't like him, he didn't even congratulate Thrya or Beocca on their marriage. Cyne had pulled Thrya into a bone crushing hug telling her how happy she was for her and her new found love.

Cyne now stood at her second and last wedding for the day, this one being much more formal. It was a royal wedding between the King's daughter, Lady Aethelflaed and Aethelred of Mercia, and again she found herself next to Finan and Sihtric and right behind Gislea. She could see Uhtred and the small man talking but paid no mind to them as she waited for the princess to make her entrance. Aethelwold, the ginger man was getting louder and Cyne had had enough  "shut up you small ginger man" she told him in a harsh whisper, Finan and Sihtric snorted and after a few more threats towards Aethelwold the princess who was more beautiful than Cyne had imagined made her entrance.

Cyne was currently sitting in between Clapa's legs listening to him tell a story about one of his many adventurous childhood stories, she and Sihtric were meant to walk around Winchester to see all the stores but he was busy locking lips with his newfound girlfriend, Sigdeflaed or siggy as she preferred. As Cyne zoned out she realised Clappa had stopped talking; it was now Aethelwold who was rambling on about something she did not care at all about. It was a new voice that pulled her out of her trance. She looked up and saw a boy a year or so older than her looking nervous as he tried to get Uhtred's attention off Aethelwold, the ginger had told the boy dressed in robes to go away "you go away, your voice is irritating Aethelwold" Cyne insulted the man to which he just gave her a look.

"I am Osferth." the boy, Osferth, informed them. He seemed very determined to gain Uhtred's attention for whatever reason so Cyne leaned over and gave Uhtred a little nudge and nodded up towards Osferth.

"You are a monk, a baby monk" Finan told Osferth. Cyne had heard of monks but she wasn't really sure what they did, she wasn't as in touch with her mothers religion as she wished to be. She had found a bible before but it was quickly burned by her father; he didn't want her to turn to a false god like her mother had.

Athelwold had told Osferth to go away and received yet another hard glance from Cyne. "lord, you, you knew my uncle lord. His name was Leofric" Osferth told Uhtred, tearing his gaze away from the ground to make eye contact with him.

Cyne hadn't heard of Leofric but she knew he must have met Uhtred before Sihtric joined him. The long haired Dane had complimented the man's uncle saying he was a great man Cyne had gathered that the man they are talking about had died given the way uhtred is talking about him in past tense. "You are Alfred's bastard son" Athelwold had informed the whole group with a cocky smile on his face.

Cyne rolled her eyes at Athelwold's behaviour because quite clearly Osferth was uncomfortable with the term he had just been called but he had caught the rest of the men's attention, Uhtred's included. "No, but I wish to join you, lord, be by your side as my uncle was" Osferth had requested, to which Finan stated that they have no use for a monk. "As a warrior. Lord, I wish to serve you was a warrior" there was no reaction to what Oserth had said, just silence Uhtred was debating what to do on one hand Osferth look about anything but a warrior and on the other hand Leofric was a great companion of Uhtreds and he needed men.

Heavy footsteps made Cyne turn around and look past Clappa and he saw Steapa telling Uhtred he is wanted by the King, Athelwold had walked off sourly and before Uhtred had left he turned towards Osferth and had told him to find him again and bring and sword and to lose his cross, Osferths face lifted up and he happily agreed to Uhtred's demands. "Osferth" Cyne had called out to the boy quickly getting up from where she was sitting to make her way to him "would you mind showing me a place to eat" she smiled up to the rather tall boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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