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"Sihtric!" Cyne shouted out to her brother, "you're leaving without saying goodbye." the blonde asked softly with a betrayed look on her face. Sihtric turned and faced his sister, not having any other choice than to admit his plan. "Well, are you going to say goodbye?"

"I wasn't planning to but i guess i will, goodbye cy." Sihtric replied quickly and tried to walk off until Cyne rushed in front of him and gave him a hard stare "you know why i can not say a true goodbye sister. i am leaving for good, i am going to join uhtred and leave father and sven behind." he whispered.

Cyne looked at him like he was a mad man. They had always talked about fleeing their family but Cyne knew that it was just talk and nothing more than that, Sihtric on the other hand believed that one day he and his little sister would be free of their horrid 'family'. Cyne's eyes filled with tears as she realised her brother would be truly gone in the matter of minutes.

"NO! I won't let you Sihtric, you will not leave me here. not with father, not with sven i would rather die than endure this torture by myself." Sihtric's attention turned fully towards his sister, taking in her words. "Why are you doing this to me tric? We are meant to stay here together. Please stay, tell them you are too ill to travel please brother stay" Cyne pleaded with her brother.

Sihtric considered staying but just for a second. "I can't, I am sorry cy please forgive me but i can not do this anymore. It is torture, i promise i will come back for you with an army if i have to but i will, okay please let me go" Cyne's face hardened knowing that he would be leaving and there was nothing she could do or say to make him stay.

"don't. do not come back for me i will only be like thrya, sleeping with the hounds and raped upon" Sihtric knew that Cyne was afraid to end up like Thrya as much as she loved her she did not want to locked up and afraid of everything.

Sihtric thought for a second as what he could say to reassure Cyne that nothing would happen to her but he knew that she would be lost and vulnerable without him. "You have Sigurd, no one would dare hurt you with a dragon by your side" Sihtric replied strongly.

Cyne wanted to walk away but she knew she could not because she would not allow Sihtric to leave with a secret between them. "No, I do not." she stated Sihtric gave her a look asking her to explain, "Father is making me send him away, next month Sig will fly south to the other dragons if I refuse he will order Sven and his men to put him down." Cyne informed him.

"SIHTRIC! here now. you will see her again soon" Tekil, one of their father's most trusted men shouted out.

"I am sorry Cyne, I have to go I will see you soon I promise" and with a kiss on the head Sihtric mounted on his horse and leaving Cyne standing alone and afraid.

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