2.Meet the Blueblood Ice Queen

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The sound of skates resounded in the rink, as they grazed the medium-polished floor. But no one paid attention to the skates, it was the owner they were interested in. Dressed in midnight blue and gold, the figure danced across the rink. Doing a triple spin, landing her axle with unparalleled ease. Not a single pair of eyes had not been entranced by her grace.

With raven black hair, beautiful long legs and a heavenly face, Lalisa Manoban was truly a queen of the ice rink. Her dance came to end soon to which the crowd sighed in dissapointment. But five people in the front row just laughed. Their best friend had so many admirers, they might need to roll her up in a blanket the next time they go out.

A man with cat-like eyes and gentlemanly features was the first to approach the figure-skater as she stepped out of the rink. Hong Joshua wiped the sweat off of Lisa's face with a towel, as he usually does. Joshua was captain of National Volleyball team and for good reason because his reflexes were incredible. 

"That's my girl."

A beautiful man with silky, long black hair said as he picked up and spun Lisa around. Yoon Jeonghan, the captain of National swim team and Lisa's most enthusiastic fan. He came to all her showcases even when her father couldn't make it. And with him came along a trail of men and women alike who just wanted a glimpse of the seven.

"I just know you are going to crush the Blue Swords this time."

A pretty woman with platinum blonde hair walked up to Lisa and wrapped her hands around the latter's neck. Jeon Somi was the captain of the Yonsei ice hockey team and was a substitute in national team. She and Lisa had been attached by the hip since the first day of university. The barbie and the ice queen.

"Of course she will, she is Lalisa Manoban for fuck's sake!"

The loud and haughty voice of a girl spoke up. Hirai Momo, a Japanese girl who can beat thirty men in a fight. But then again, so can Lisa. Momo was a National Level Boxer and a self-proclaimed protege of Lisa. No one besides to group knew why. She slapped Lisa's back in appreciation as Lisa felt a jolt go through her body.

A cup of coffee appeared in front of her.

"You will do great, Lili."

The warm voice of Choi Yeonjun encouraged. Yeonjun was a national level track and field star who had been praised by the country all too much for his contribution in the sport. Lisa, Joshua and Yeonjun were probably the closest out of seven, with their families being best friends, the grew up right by each other's side.

"Stop it morons. You will jinx it!" Lisa said with her arms crossed but a warm smile on her face.

They all knew she appreciated their support though she showed it in different ways.

See, unlike our prince, who grew up in a well-to-do nuclear family, Lisa was not so lucky. With her family's status being akin to that of royals in South Korea and Thailand, Lisa was what the commoners would call, a blueblood. Someone whom they could not reach not matter what they did.

The status of a blueblood came along with a perfect image, bountiful respect and countless suitors. However, the societal pressure on a blueblood was almost unimaginable, even more so considering Lisa's achievements.

But not all was bad either. If not for her family, how else would she meet this lovable band of monkeys she simply could not live without. All of them were chaebols and chaebol heirs, hence the close friendship.

These people were Lisa's comfort zone and she would like to keep that way.

Sadly, an e-mail from the university was going to change that.

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