"Sirius, do you have the letter?!"

"Yeah, I have it Moons. Why?"

"Give it to me." I say. "Please."

"Okay, give me one second... found it!"

"Where is it?"

"In the Hospital Wing."

Then, the letter comes flying into the room through the open door, into his hand. he hands it to me.

"There you go, Moons."

"Thank you."

I hand the letter to Minerva, and watch as she carefully opens it. I see her eyes widen slightly in shock as she reads the letter. She places the letter on the desk, and sits down.

"13 years, 13 years of being tortured by these awful Muggles. I think Harry needs some time away from Hogwarts, not necessarily leaving the castle, but just about a week for now. A week off from classes."


~Harry P.O.V.~

I hear noises coming from all around me, and I open my eyes. I yawn and stretch, flicking my tail up and down. I see Remus, Sirius, and Professor McGonagall looking at me. I yawn again, and start to try and stand up to jump down from Sirius' arms, but not before Sirius starts to pet me, and I zone out. I purr, I love being pet. He stops, and I meow.

"What in the world?!" he says.

"Yeah, I know. It's awful."

"No, what I'm talking about is you taking him out of classes for a week! He'll go crazy just sitting around all day, alone with nothing to do! It will most likely get worse if you leave him alone!"

"He needs a mental break, Padfoot."

"So just have him not be given much homework, or no homework at all! He needs to be around people! He doesn't like being alone! Do you know how bad his separation anxiety is?!"

"He has separation anxiety?"

"Well, duh! He's left alone for hours on end all day with the Dursley's! The only time he ever gets to have a positive interaction with any of them is late at night when his cousin brings him food because his aunt and uncle have been starving-"

"Wait, what?! I'm going to kill them!"

"I need a minute, I'm leaving."

Sirius carries me out of the room, and outside the castle to the small house near Hagrid's hut. He opens the door and sets me on the floor before he turns into his Animagus form and jumps on the bed. I trot over to the bed and jump up next to him. He pulls a pillow over to the middle of the bed and lays down with his head on the pillow. I hear my stomach growl, and he looks over at me. He jumps off the bed and turns back, walking into what seems to be the kitchen. I go over to the pillow and curl up on it, comforted by the knowledge that I'm not alone.

"Harry, come here."

I reluctantly jump off of the bed and make my way to the kitchen. I spot a small bowl of milk on the table, and Sirius picks me up and places me in his lap, petting me as I drink the milk. I finish the milk and curl up in his lap. I feel myself being picked up again, and find myself back on the bed. He turns back into a dog, and lays down next to me. Then, I hear the door open.

"Sirius? Harry?"

Sirius and I continue to lay there, too lazy to get up and move.

"Where are you guys?"

I see Remus walk into the bedroom from the entrance, and I go over to greet him.

"There you guys are. Hi Harry," he says bending over and picking me up. I meow and jump out of his arms, going to lay back down next to Sirius on the bed. Remus comes over and sits on the bed.

The LetterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora