I didn't say anything

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Time skip to Dottie being rescued from Whitney Frost.

As Peggy Carter made her way to the basement of the Frost home, she had a deep pull at her gut. Something felt wrong.

So very, very wrong.

As she pushed the door open with the baral of her gun, there was nothing.

Just a laundry room.

She continued to clear the rest of the house until she found herself at a closed door. She heard Dottie's voice, that scream would haunt Peggy for the rest of her days. The scream was one thing, but when it was cut off is when Peggy kicked the door down.

Dottie is being held in the air by the throat.
Carter fires a shot into Frosts shoulder.

It all happened so fast. No sooner did frost shake off the he bullet then Dottie was dropped and Peggy was at her side.

She had almost drops her gun. Dottie looked, half dead. She was almost unconscious and her breathing was labored.

Her skin was more pale then normal, her cheeks were red and a forming bruse around her neck.

"Dottie? Лобова wake up!"

Peggy felt a grip on her wrist "I didn't say anything, i promise. I didn't say anything."

Peggy did the only thing she thought she could in that moment.

She gave Dottie a soft kiss on the lips and said "I know lovey."

"Well" frost said "isnt this an unexpected development."

Peggy rased her gun and took one soled shot,  right through frosts head...

Dear Peggy Carter,
I miss you so much, I've made it to Russia and I'll be here for two months. I have to make my way to the far coast so I can go to Alaska. From there I'll be back in Arizona so we can meet up.
   I don't like traveling around the world every year, but it's the only way to keep from getting caught by police.
    I have my suspicions about the revolution coming. It might be the end to the red room. Meby when I get  back we can talk to Angie about us.
   I know I said i wasn't ready for that but i think I'm warming up to the idea. I even found a club for girls like us. It's in San Francisco. Called the Telagraph club. I was hoping we could go.
    On a more series note the Germans have a new weapon. They call him the winter soldier. He's strong like Steve but he's not all there in the head. Just be on the look out for any particularly ruthless hits. And keep an eye on Stark I know he's powerful and I don't want him or his new girl to be the the next target.

From Russia with love,
Dottie Underwood.

Dear Peggy Carter,Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu