zero matter

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As Peggy woke up beside her former enemy, she felt slender hands around her waist. She hadn't well known the feeling of waking up with someone, and Peggy couldn't say she hated it. Dottie's hair still smelt of cigarettes and her breath of alcohol.

She carefully got up not to wake the spy and made her way to the kitchen for breakfast.

She made lemmon grass tea and toast with jam. Her morning was quiet until Jarvis woke up. He made himself oatmeal and sat across the table.

"Morning Ms. Carter, you seem to have had a splended night with Ms. Underwood. So, any plans for today?"

Peggy thought for a minute she decided to ignore that from first part and answer the later, saying. "I think we'll breaf Dottie this afternoon then the meeting is tonight so we'll send you and her in and get what we need."

Jarvis sighed. " You really have no hobbys do you? "

Peggy was slightly offended. Her work is really the only thing that's interested her so she doesn't think of or do much else. "I have hobbies. "

" Like what? Asembleing rifles?"

" Yes Mr. Jarvis i simply assemble rifles and uphold democracy. "

They laughed together for the remainder of breakfast.

By noon Peggy decided to go wake Dottie. She figured the girl might be a bit grumpy and hungover from all she drank the night before.

To her surprise, Dottie was very much awake and doing sit ups on the floor by the bed.

"Morning Dottie." Peggy said going into agent mode and preparing to explain the Whitney frost situation.

"We start the new faze of the mission today."

Dottie stood up quickly and nodded. "But we need to know some stuff from you as well."

Dottie grind. "What do I need to know?"

"You know Whitney Frost, the film star, she's has a substance known as Zero Matter in side of her. we need to get a sample to make a new way to store it, and retrieve the rest of it from a facility. That's where you come in. Getting the sample from frost."

Peggy walks over to her closet and pick out an eliagent red dress. "there's a fundraiser tonight you and Jarvis will be going to to get the sample from Frost."

She set the dress down on the bed.

"lastly, you stole a lapell pin from a volt in new York, why?"

Dottie nodded, "seeing as you definitely didn't want our little brake out job on record due to your disguise not being up to SSR standers and the fact that your hurt, really hurt. It's not a mission and you don't want anyone to know. Being quite frank why would I tell you."

Peggy siged, the old Dottie was back. The one who uses her perceptions and coldness to get what she wants.

And right now, she wants more information.

So Peggy gave it to her.

"Zero matter is pure negative energy from another dimension. This energy is linked with the equally unstable Lightforce. It's dangerous and we don't know who to trust."

In return Dottie gave up what she knew about the pin, witch wasn't much.

"it was a job for someone, he needed to get into some social club thing. The pin was to id other members."

Dottie continues to ramble on about what she knows and Peggy listens carefully. At some points her mind wondering to how good Dottie looks in her nightgown, or how kissable her lips are, or how her bi-colored hair compliments her eyes before; snapping back because she really needs to know what Dottie is saying.

Dottie seems to take note of Peggy's occasional daze as she's speeking.

When she's done Peggy nods and leaves her agent Carter persona at the door. "Peg?" Dottie says watching the other girl sit down.

"Hm?" Peggy inquires.

"Do you remember what happened at the Griffith?"

Peggys mind jumps to when she was kissed by the girl, who was using her sweet dreams lipstick, specially disigned by Howard stark to knock someone unconscious by kissing them.

The word kiss echoes in her head for a minute.

"Yes of course I do."

"Well I'm sorry, I know it was just a mission but I'm sorry about it. I thought I was envious of you but I- I just-"

Peggy grabbed Dotties hand and looked into her blueish grey eyes. "You just what."

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to kill you."

Peggy took a second to process and realized they were on completely different pages.

She was now trying not to blush as Dottie looked at her face.

"What's wrong what've I sa-"

Dottie was cut off by a soft kiss on her cheek. Leaving a red print made entirely of affection.

She quickly pulled Peggy back in for another kiss smearing the agents lipstick in the process.

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