I blushed, "not because I don't like you or anything but besides Lady Hokage and pervy sage, you're the strongest person I know." I explained it fiddling with my thumbs.

He sighed, "well then I can't wait for it, your strong Naru-chan... I look forward to seeing you grow." He rested his hand on my head.

I let out a breath. "kashi-kun...race you to the next town!!" I blurted out the challenge and I took off.

He looked shocked as I leapt from the Hokage stone head. "I want to race!" I heard Naruto yell it, and I landed on the ground and sped off.

"my love!" Rock Lee's voice seemed to come from the shadows.

I jumped a bit and looked in horror as ock lee was at the bottom where I had landed. I grunted, don't waste my time. I left him in the dust and kept running,

I reached the village gates in no time. the guards waved, "have a nice run Naruko!" They yelled as I shot by.

I smiled at them, waving, and went back to running. "I must say you really have improved!" Kakashi rasped it from behind me.

I smiled. " I have run every day since you left!!" I said proudly.

He smirked coming up beside me. "You're almost faster than me." He chuckled at me.

I sighed, oh man well I saw this coming.

Pervy sage was next to me then, "training?" He asked casually.

I nodded, "kashi-kun said I needed to get faster."

Kakashi chuckled, "the first time we did this we made it 1/4 of the way until she passed out tired and that was with her being about 20 feet behind us."

I smiled proudly, look at me now.

We reached the next village in no time, but I wasn't done. "Now back!" I touched the gate to the village then jumped off of it heading toward home again. We reached home in 10 mins, I screeched to a stop once we reached the gates.

Naruto glomped me, "Naruko! You're so fast! Just imagine after three years of training." He said,excited.

I nodded, "right?" We clasped each other's hands, "I owe you some ramen don't I?" I said it with a closed eye smile, I heard a stomach grumble. I turned and looked up at kakashi. I giggled, "join us?!" I grabbed his arm and smiled up at him.

He scratched his face looking away. "uhh sure... I'll buy for us since you're going into debt with Naruto."

I smirked and we headed toward the ramen stand. Jiraiya tagged along.

"One miso shrimp soup please?" I was the last to order, I smiled as I thought of eating. "oh man I'm starving!" I sang it and clapped my hands together.

"What are you a seal?" Naruto teased, looking at me like I was weird.

I froze, I pouted. "don't be mean!" I fake cried.

He chuckled and patted my head, "your so cute." I glared at him turning in my seat toward Jiraiya and Kakashi.

"say Naruko, how old are you?" Jiriaya asked.

I tilted my head, "15 almost 16, why?"

They looked shocked, "Naruto, are you the same age?"

Naruto looked at me shocked, "I am almost 15...", and Kakashi rubbed his neck. "I hadn't realized you were so young..." He mumbled.

I shrugged, "so? What's it matter? I will be 18 when we get back." Jiraiya had a perverted look. I cringed, " Pervy sage... don't make that face!"

He pouted, he smacked Naruto. "you made her start calling me that!" He whined.

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