" Too big," he murmured and she heard it. A wave of fear arose in her heart.

' He is very pervert, shameless,' her mind screamed.

' Always maintain a healthy distance with him,' Her inner self suggested to her.

" If you are worried where we are? We are in Korea, kitten. South Korea," he answered. His answer pushed her in the river of confusion,  shock.

She was in Korea. South Korea. 

" What?" She said in shock.

" If you are done with your question then close the door. I need privacy for changing my clothes," he said.

" But I was in Eemnes," she said, not believing him.

" Yes, you were but now you are in Korea. In my house. In my bedroom. With me. " He answered. His answer tore her heart. She gulped her saliva down and tears started gathering in her eyes.

" Why?" She mumbled.

" Why? Don't you know? Simple… you aren't trustworthy to let you roam freely. I gave you the last chance to save yourself but what did you do? You went to the police station and filed a case against me," He said and his gaze intensified. He was looking dangerous.

" I wouldn't make the same mistake. I am sorry," she said and a tear rolled down her cheek.

" And I wouldn't make the same mistake by giving you freedom. If you want to live then you have to live here," He said more like poured acid on her. How can she live in the same house with him? She was afraid, she was traumatised and more over she was emotionally connected with her home, her motherland.

" Did-Didn't you punish me enough?" She said and he chuckled.

" Those three slaps and minor assault can never be your punishment. Cutting your wings should be," he answered. What could be more hurtful and disturbing than calling a sexual assault, a MINOR assault?

" There-there is my home. I want to go back home," she said and more tears slid down on her cheek.

" Accept this place as soon as possible. You will have no hard time in making this house your home," He said and walked to the side of his closet. " Because you aren't leaving this place till your last breath. You have to live here otherwise you have to die and trust me, now I don't have any sympathy for you nor I will show any mercy, " he said, taking out a tee shirt and an ankle-length pant.

" If you are done then close the damn door," he gritted his teeth. " Otherwise watch me getting naked," he said and started to unbutton his shirt and she closed her eyes to let tears fall. She turned her back to him and slowly moved away from the door. Soon he heard her cries from the bedroom and he shook his head.

She weeped with her broken and upset heart while sitting on the edge of the bed. There was no way out of here.

She was in South Korea. She didn't even know which part of Korea? But how did she reach here? She had no passport, no visa. Then how? Many thoughts crossed through her mind. She looked traumatised, broken. She was still getting over her mother's murder and now he revealed this. 

He said, three slaps and MINOR assault weren't enough for her.


This disgusted her.

Soon he walked out of the room and found her sitting at the edge of the bed. He was looking very fresh, with his wet hair and black attire.

" Go, change your clothes, take a quick shower," he ordered and walked to the bed after throwing the wet towel on the sofa near the door.

Possession [ JK version ]Where stories live. Discover now