Chapter 2

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We find the Trio spying on our heroes in the night. "Okay dimwits, you know the plan. We get in, grab the twerp and get out, got it?" whispered Jessie. "Yea, but how are we gonna get past da pikachu?" "That's why I always come prepared." James had a large bottle of ketchup to lure pikachu away. "James, you genius! Now let's get the twerp and get promoted." They crept silently pouring a trail of ketchup, which pikachu smelt and ate it in his sleep." Phase 1 complete, now phase 2." They, as carefully as possible, got Ash out of his sleeping bag and tied his hands behind his back and covered his eyes with a cloth(?)( I dont know what it's called) without waking a single soul. James threw him over his shoulder and the three sneaked away, finally completing a mission for once in their lives.

Morning came and Goh woke up with a huge yawn, expecting to see Ash asleep." Mornin' Ash how'd you sleep?" There was no reply. "Ash? Ash?! Pikachu wake up, Ash is gone!" "PIKA??!!!!" "We have to find him!" "Pika pi!!" "AAASH! Where are you, Ash??!!"

Meanwhile, in the trio's hot air balloon, Ash was slowly starting to wake up, one problem tho, he couldn't see anything! He also couldn't move his arms."What? What's going on?!" "Look who's finally awake," replied Jessie. "Team Rocket?! What's the big idea?" "The big boss wants to speak with you," said Meowth. "Why me? Didn't you guys always want Pikachu?" "To be honest, we don't know either. We just follow instructions," said James. "Where are we now?" "Almost at our Galar HQ," replied Meowth.

Goh and Pikachu have been looking for Ash for a while now, and still no sign of him. "Pika," said Pikachu in a very sad tone. He was getting really worried now. Ash would never leave his pokémon behind, especially Pikachu."Don't worry Pikachu, I'm sure we'll find him, hopefully," Goh muttered that last part under his breath. " Let's tell Professor Cerise and he can help us," Pikachu wasn't reassured by this.

Ash was in front of the base. It was HUGE. Well, of course he couldnt see because he was still blinded. James grabbed his arm and lead him inside. They went up to the 27th floor and asked  the secretary to buzz them in. "Sir, Jessie, James and Meowth want to speak with you." " Put them on." The secretary gave them the phone. "Sir, we got the target." "Excellent, come in," replied Giovanni happily. Once they were inside his office, Giovanni said,"Un-cover his eyes." "What do you want with me?!" Giovanni didn't reply instead he snapped his fingers and a bunch of guards came and pinned him into a wall, one came out of the crowd and drew some blood out of his arm. "Take him to Room 357." "Yes sir!" and they walked off.

Chapter 2 DONE!!!
I'll probably publish 3 tonight or maybe sooner

Anyways bye! :D

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