𖡼 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅

Start from the beginning

As Maddie walked away, she debated in her head what she'd just been told. Emiko wasn't the type of girl to spread rumours or talk bad about people, but was Dylan really as bad as she was making her out to be?

Perhaps they'd fallen out before I got there, she tried to rationalise, as she didn't believe either girl was cruel or manipulative.

"'Sup, MJ." Dylan greeted her as she sat down at the table, Birdie far too absorbed in physics homework to greet her, "The Chronicles is gonna do a front page spread on the big game tonight, so no pressure or anything but like don't fuck it up."

Maddie gulped, pulling her notes out for the two's presentation out of her bag, "What if we loose?"

Dylan snorted, "Then Emiko Hirata can kiss goodbye to her captaincy, it'd be a bigger scandal than when Lacey Danvers drove the netball team into the ground."

Maddie felt a pit growing in her stomach at the nonchalance her best friend was showing, she didn't want Emiko to be right, "What happened to her?"

"Who?" She asked, sliding her own notes over to where Maddie's were on the table, "Crazy Lacey?"

"Um, yeah?"

"She got suspended, cause she like went totally crazy," Dylan's eyes were wide and sparkling as she spoke, but Birdie seemed to shift in her seat, "On the final match of the netball tournament, she went psycho and brutally attacked this other girl, it was so awful."

But the way she said it made Maddie think that it wasn't really as awful as she was making it out to be, and in-fact that she thought it was just the opposite,

"Is she still here?"

"Yeah but you'll never see her, she doesn't come in the cafeteria, she stays in the quad with the rest of the freaks."

For a while, they worked on the presentation, but Maddie just couldn't get rid of the tone in Dylan's voice as she spoke about this girl out of her mind. But then Dylan had to go, leaving just Birdie and Maddie at the table.

Maddie watched as Birdie avoided her gaze, pen clutched in her left hand as she pretended to be fully occupied with her homework.

"Is-" Maddie leaned forward, over the table and spoke in a whisper, suddenly getting the feeling that she was being listened into or watched, "Is that what really happened with Lacey?"

Birdie stopped writing for a moment, before quickly continuing, "What are you talking about, Dylan told you the story." She replied swiftly and Maddie frowned,


"-Don't." Birdie hastily collected her work and shoved it into her satchel, "You don't want to do this, Maddie, just leave it alone."

Maddie watched in confusion as her other best friend got out of her seat, "Birdie-"

"-I have to go."

And just like that the girl was speeding down the corridor, leaving Maddie sat by herself and staring down at her notes, having no clue what the hell really went on at this school, and especially, what really went on with Dylan.

Baseball was easily the most important thing in Maddie's life, as for her, it was the start of everything. One of the first things her dad had ever brought her was a Yankee's jersey, the first time she'd really felt like she mattered, she had been playing Baseball with her dad and his friends.

So safe to say, when she was playing her first proper game, her heartbeat pounding in her ears, and hands clammy as she clutched the bat, she felt like this was a life or death situation.

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