Chapter 31: Keep Your Friends Close

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AURORA — Runaway

When school ended for the day, I sat on the metal bleachers in front of the football field, watching some of the Tanglewood boys of the league team simply practicing. I came out here to try to clear my mind, but I found it impossible to do so. I couldn't wrap my head around the news I received about Rachel's death and someone poisoning her. It didn't feel normal at all; the whole incident was like someone's ragged skin—a dead one, possibly Rachel's.

I had a restless day at school. I knew my face was unreasonably pale, and my eyes were red from another night of no sleep. Now that I knew what happened to Rachel, I could just stay in my home forever, hiding from her grim killer. Sitting on the bleachers just felt way too exposed for anything that could strike next.

The killer was watching me at this very moment.

This felt like nothing but a terrorist attack. If I hid in my bedroom all the time, afraid to confront them, it would just mean that the terrorists had won. I had to find a way to fight and face my fears one way or another, figuring out an end to this.

I then looked around at my surroundings. I wondered if whoever killed Rachel could be the same one who strangled that girl from the tape—Crest poising them as the mysterious Tanglewood killer, who happened to be freely loose—presented at the night of Mila's Halloween party.  And that Mr. Burke told the truth about being framed. He probably took the blame to save his life and not have the same fate as Rachel. I really wish I had asked him the day I spoke to him at the station if he had any clue who it was that could pin the blame on him; maybe it would have given me a clear sense of direction. But I quickly assumed he was the one to do such a thing instead of thinking and believing what he told me. It turned out I was wrong. I ruined his life and his career.

Things weren't going to get better until I knew who the Tanglewood killer was.

I caught a glimpse of a tall figure with loose black braids and cringed. He was at the very edge of the football field, heading toward the parking lots. His forest-green athletic bag was slung over him. It looked like Tre was going to his car and was done with football practice for the day. I hadn't run into him since I almost lost my virginity to him at a party that was going to haunt me for some time.

I quickly got to the parking lot, just in time before he could take off. It was fairly empty, and I hesitated when I approached the driver's side. I felt embarrassed for even staring at his sweet face, which looked very destroyed after all the disaster that had to occur. Tre didn't even bother to smile like he usually did when he saw me.

I looked around my surroundings once again and muttered. "H-Hey."

Tre sadly said back. "Hey."

I heavily sighed and put my head down, sincerely saying, "I'm sorry for everything that has happened."

He nodded, following his gaze to the other side and not at me. "Yeah, me too." At the sound of his voice, I knew he was hurting so badly about Rachel.

"Where are you heading to?" Wherever he was going, I wanted to go as well, even if he was going home.

"I am leaving to go see Mila," Tre answered in a way that sounded significant, as if there was more to it.

"Um..." I scratched my nape. "Can I ride with you?"

Tre roared his engine and unlocked the door for me. "Sure."

The two of us were painfully quiet as I got into his car. Rachel's death had to honestly have a ridiculous hold on not just him but me as well, despite being enemies. I was curious if he knew that his ex-girlfriend was murdered and how she really died. Or whether the police had interviewed him yet. I wouldn't mind telling him what was told to me. The silence was killing everything in this moment, and I didn't know what the first thing I wanted to say to him since there was so much.

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