"This is not right, you're so cruel! You made me leave my father and Jasrah and brought me here when your family is with you!" She whined, wiping down the tears with the back of her hand which were still streaming. "I can't get married!" She cried out again, twisting her lips towards Asad, cutely.

Asad moved to her and enfold her in his arms, rubbing her back while trying to suppressed his laughter.

"I'm sorry! Uhmm?" Asad said putting off with his wife's whining. "Your husband is sorry!" He mouth and detached her from his arms, placed his hand on her cheeks, rubbing it.

He lock his eyes with her blind ones, the light brown eyeballs were shining with tears.

He caresses her cheeks with his thumb. "You should please stop crying!" He whined, following her foot step.

Noor stopped, she quickly placed her hand on his face and Asad quickly pout his lips. Her lips curled up into a smile that made her dimples to appear.

"Asad you're so cute!" She said innocently.

Asad hugged her again planting a kiss on her forehead. "Let freshen up, it was a long day." He stand from the bed, walking towards his bedroom's telephone.

"Two coffee please," he said and returned to Noor who was still on the bed.

Asad bend down and situated his one hand under her laps whilst the other behind on her nape, taking her in a bridal style.

He took her to the bedroom, and placed her gently.

"Can you freshen up?"

"Yeah but i don't know where everything is kept."

"I'm coming." He went out and entered the closet which was already been arranged by Noor's clothes. He opened the drawer and took two towels walking to the bathroom.

"Here is the towels." He hold her hands and placed them. Noor nod as Asad held her to the hanger. Together they hanged the two towel with Asad behind Noor. He pecked her cheeks and step back.

Just like that Noor understand and memorized everything and everywhere in the bedroom & bathroom with the help of Asad. They count the place which need to be count, together.

"Yes I understand, thank you." Noor mumbled as the smile on her lips never left her face.

Asad pecked her temple then her forehead, he then give her a lingering peck on her lips. "I'll go and freshen up too."

After they all freshen up and got ready in their nighties, Asad guide Noor to every area of their part which she insists because Asad wanted her to get some rest.

They had their coffee and later on retired to bed. Asad hugged Noor in his arms as sleep took over them....

Finally in each other's arms...


The alarm ranged getting it masters attention as the time for Fajr prayer arrived.

Asad used his hand and off the alarm, his eyes followed the direction of Noor, her head was on his arm, one hand on his chest, sleeping soundly and beautifully.

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