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Asad and Noor relationship had been so good, their first ever book together end and they start the second one.

Slowly Asad played his card well that Noor was so close to him, they share each moment of their life, they become so attached to each other.

To Noor Asad was her only close boy friend. For the past one month she had known him she took him as someone who was like a family to her.

     Life was going smoothly as Noor got an admission in a university to study mass com along with her friend Jasrah. At first she loss hope, but the Almighty had other plan, today she is going to have her first day at the university.

Noor knew the journey will not be an easy one, challenges will be on her way as she's going to study in a large environment without eyes, with different types of people and their personality. She was trying her best to do a good job so her parents and siblings will be proud of her.

It was Monday morning, they had lecture by 9 but Noor and Jasrah don't go back to sleep since Fajr prayer, they talked to each other through the phone, deciding on the time they'll leave; which they already talked about since yesterday.

Around 7:30 Noor wore a red Hijab on her jeans and shirt, she took her beautiful pink backpack and placed it on her back and shoulder. Without having the eyes to see if she looked okay she head outside counting the steps.

"My baby is looking exactly like a uni student!" Waheeda said happily holding a flask of hot water as she spot Noor.

Their father and Mansour turned to the direction and admired Noor, she followed the direction she heard Waheeda's voice, grinning. "Yaya Waheeda how do i look." Noor swirled batting her long eyelashes cutely earning a smile from her family.

"Amazing my love, now let have breakfast because i know Jasrah is on her way."

Noor turned to her father asking him if she looks ok, Jameel Bilal who was still looking at his daughter since she entered, was regretting his decision of letting her go to that big environment.

He just don't want anything to happen to his precious daughter. "Baby Noor are you sure you'll be alright?" He said worriedly, Noor asked Waheeda to direct her to their father, she hold his hand when she arrived looking at his fchest which she thought was his face.

"Dad please.. you know it's my dream to become a journalist, and this happen to be the first step in achieving it, please support your baby Noor by praying for her." Noor knew her father was only worried about her but to achieve her dream, first she need to study and later on if her eyes open her dream will be fulfilled.

Jameel who happens to love his daughter has no any other choice but to support her as she said, his prayers will always be with her.

Jasrah entered in time as Noor already finished her breakfast, they were looking good, giggling and excited. Waheeda told them she would take them but Noor's brother-Mansour offered to drive the girls, clamming he's more close to the uni than Waheeda.

The drive was silent for Noor because she couldn't see the lovebirds, she was seated at the back seat while Jasrah on the passenger seat.

Noor tried her best not to laugh when Yaya Mansour said he'll drive, she knew he loved her but the drive idea was definitely been encouraged by his love for her friend-Jasrah.

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