Lisa; You sure? I'll pay you back something in return.

Jennie: it something good?

Lisa: I do have something in mind, but we'll have to see tomorrow.

Jennie smiled, thinking if shes dreaming or not. She look at her surrounding thinking she already fell asleep. But nope.

Lisa: Sorry for disturbing you, Ms Kim.

Jennie: You can call me Jennie!

Lisa: ah. Jennie.

Jennie: aside from being so formal with eachother, it feels awkward don't you think?. If that's alright if we can keep it casually.

Lisa: I will. Please don't tell anyone about this, you did something for me out of kindness I wanna repay you. Call me Lisa, Ms Manoban in school.

Jennie: okay lisa

Jennie's sleep totally left her as she was feeling so energized. She'd never thought Lisa would be the first one to text, she was glad Lisa wasn't that type of teacher.

She was her first, and she will make sure she gets close with Lisa. Overall she's been waiting for this  for how long now, she can't just throw away that opportunity.

Lisa: I'm going to get some sleep, night.

Jennie: Goodnight Lisa.

Jennie stared as she saw she stopped texting, waiting a few minutes. She slowly placed down her phone processing everything what just happened.

She took a deep breathe, knowing tomorrow will be a good day. But for time to go faster she needs to sleep.

She goes back to her comfortable position, and tries drifting to sleep till she opened her eyes fully wide.

"Fuck! Please let me sleep"
She said hugging the pillow while trying so hard to get back to sleep after what just happened but excitement over fills her.

She kept moving around her bed, as time passing by for 20 minutes. She stops and looks at her ceiling.

"Let me sleeep!!"

Lisa POV

I close off my phone, as I set it aside the kitchen table sipping my chocolate flavoured milk. I sighed, as I'm watching my Tv from across the kitchen.

"What am I doing."
It feels so wrong talking to one of my students, we aren't close but I wanna repay her for what she's done to me in all honesty.

No one has ever done that too me, but why does something feel so off about me.

What was I thinking either way, why did I even bother to look for her student profile in the council room and texted her in the first place she already has mine.

But I guess what has been done, can't be undone. I'll just give her something tomorrow, then it's over. What should I even get her, I never got to think of it.

"Damn still up?"
I was enjoying my milk, till i heard my roommate who was making himself go down the stairs. I look back at the television, as he grabs himself some water.

Looking at the time, it was now 11:30PM
"Can't sleep, what about you."
He sighed and went beside me, also leaning on the kitchen counter as he watches the TV with me drinking his water.

"Same, how is your sickness? You seem fine."
He asked me, I feel better. I should've taken a day off today, but luckily for Ms Kim. Jennie. Helped me today.

"I'm good"
We both kept watching the TV for a few minutes we were in silence, we're like this always and somehow it's just comfortable.

He has been my roommate ever since, it's kind of a thing. Although just here in soeul, I live alone mostly. I have my own home here, but I prefer to stay here casually so I don't feel bored.

"By the way lis, we settin up a party this weekend, You comin?"
He was on his phone till he turned to me, telling me about the party. I made my way to the garbage and threw my empty cup.

"It's a party, so you can invite anyone you want"
He continued as I made my way to the livingroom to turn off the TV. It was now currently 12AM, I was still listening to what he was asking me about

"Sure, I'll be there. Text me the details Bam" He cheered as I bid him goodnight as I'm making my way up the stairs to my room, it's been awhile since I've attended a party.

I guess I should live it up a bit, as I make my way to my room I got a notification about BamBam's party.

Let me get through this week school, it's still tuesday give me a break..

Breaking The Rules | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now