Chapter 24: Beowulf on Fire

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"Let's not get into the politics right now, What we should be focusing on is the Fang and keeping Deery safe," Robyn said.

Jaune nodded, "Yeah, which is why I'm going out there on patrol tonight, alone," he said.

Fiona looked at him as if he had just suddenly grown a pair of wings. "What!? No way!" she cried, "Someone's gotta go with you!"

Jaune shook his head, "No," he said, "If they knew who Deery is by now and also know that she's with the huntresses, the best plan would be for you all to stay here and not out in the open not only could they get you, but they could harm civilians," Jaune said.

Fiona glared at him, "And what about you!?" Fiona asked.

"I'm not exactly part of the Huntresses, and they wouldn't be looking for me, which means I can look for them without being recognized, I can find Bane-Saw and put an end to this," He said.

Fiona glared at him, "So you're trying to be a hero!?" She asked.

Jaune shook his head, "No," He replied darkly.

Hearing that, Robyn looked into Jaune's eyes and she could see what he meant, what he truly meant when he said he was going to "end this".

"Then what are you going to do?" Robyn asked.

Jaune looked at her and the young knight was expressionless, his face was stone cold and that was all the answer Robyn needed.

"You do what you think is best," She said, "But know this, Jaune... if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll really be that thing you see yourself as," Robyn said.

Jaune nodded slowly, "I know... but at least I can choose when I'm that thing," He told her.

"For now," Robyn said.

Jaune then turned around and began walking to the front door and when he opened the door, he felt someone grab his wrist, and Jaune turned around only to see Fiona looking at him with a worried expression.

"Jaune..." Fiona began with a worried tone, "What are you going to do?" She asked.

Jaune looked at her and pulled his wrist away slowly, "I'm doing what Monsters do," Jaune told her and walked into the snowy night.




The next day, The Huntresses, Winter, Penny, and Ciel met up again. However, Ciel noticed that Jaune wasn't among them.

Ciel was confused as she wondered where the blonde was, "Where's Arc?" Ciel asked.

Fiona looked at her, "He went looking for information last night," She said, her tone rather sad.

"Alone?" Winter asked.

Robyn nodded, "Yeah," She told WInter, "Said he was going to put an end to this once and for all,"

Winter sighed, "Well hopefully he found something, but thankfully so did we," Winter said. "We discovered that some of the White-Fang are using an abandoned warehouse as one of their bases, we'ver heard there two that they're using in different spots but we haven't found the second one," Winter told them.

"Where's the first?" Robyn asked.

Winter pointed down the street, "One block away and around the corner," She said. "You're all armed, correct?" Winter asked.

Robyn smirked at Winter, "This isn't our first Rodeo, Winter," Roby said.

Winter simply smiled, "I just wanted to make sure," She said.

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