Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning


"You weren't the only cause of our break up, besides you did us a favor if it makes you feel better—we wouldn't have worked out in the long run. Besides I've never seen Morgan as in love as she is right now, it worked out for the best." I caressed her jaw with the back of my finger—putting a curl of hair behind her ear. "And I broke your marriage so I guess we are even now," I joked.

Jessie released a laugh, "You aren't the reason of my wrecked marriage... are Morgan and Hayley really that in love with each other?" Her face turned from one of laughter to one of curiosity and... sadness? Longing? I couldn't quiet tell.

I hummed, "As disturbing as it is for me to presence it every time we reunite—they really are, they compliment each other in this... strange way that just the two of them get. They are wildly different but one thing they have in common is that when they love, they love with everything they have in themselves."

I've come to know Hayley more in this past year than I ever did, for the first time seeing beyond the bitchy high school popular girl—finally seeing the real woman and despite the bitchyness still being a part of her— there is a lot more to her and now I know that.

She's Morgan's soulmate in a way that Jason and I could never be.

"I know..." Jessie mumbled absentmindedly before moving her eyes to meet mine. "Hayley gets consumed by love, when she loves she does it with her very soul and I've always known that... our story didn't end as amicable as your's with Morgan did. I broke Hayley's heart in the coldest way I could, because I was selfish and didn't get my way. I never forgave myself for that and neither did she... and won't."

"She liked you?"

"She loved me. And I knew it without her having to confess it... I was selfish Kaden. I liked the attention I got, the feeling of having people loving you— so I entertained her, I never shut her down when I knew I should have—she was my best friend I should have been so to her in that moment. But I liked the feeling of someone being there for me, I craved that attention. It was so fucked up, they could always love me and I was never able to fully reciprocate that." Jessie sighed—I caressed her waist as I let her rant and take what seemed years of pent of self frustration out.

"Even with Morgan I knew, everyone in our class knew she had a crush. When I saw she was with... you, I knew she would stop being interested in me and I acted out of jealousy for her attention." The regret of everything clear in her beautiful face. "You were right about me back then, it was all a facade."

"Who cares about who we were or the fuck ups we did when we were merely teenagers trying to figure out life? Yes we have to take responsibility for them, but it doesn't mean we punish ourselves our entire lives for it. What matters is that you grow... matters the person that you have become and I can tell you that I very much like what I've been lucky enough to come to know Jessie." I rolled myself on top of her again. "Hayley doesn't forgive you? Then you take it, that's a consequence of your actions, it happened you can't change that—you move on."

Jessie blinked as she looked at me—she was in a speechless trance, seemingly lost in her head. "You are making it really hard for me right now Kaden."


"You are— just amazing." Jessie grabbed my face with her delicate hands—I turned to kiss each of her palms.

"The feelings the same beautiful." I leaned down to kiss her lips—letting the feeling of our warm naked bodies under the sheets sink it as they molded perfectly against one another.

Everything about this moment was perfect—Jessie and I day by day opening up more to each other, getting to understand the other. It felt surreal and too good to be truth and maybe it was because as much as we may not want, at some point reality is going to come crashing down.

An affair can't last forever and we will need to be the most honest we have ever been with each other when that moment comes.

And take whatever the result of the consequences of our actions is.

For the first time I felt fear when I thought about what came next for us, because I used to be certain that there was no next for us, and now... I'm afraid of that very old thought.

It was fucked up.

These situations more often than not had one ending, one choice. I shouldn't care that I wouldn't be that choice, there's no wondering on why I feel that way... just on how much I really feel it.

"Text me when you get home will you?" I leaned against the window of her car after we had finished our activities, in her bedroom.

And let me tell you that new bed that Jessie changed is good.

"Maybe." She said and leaned her head out of the window to give me a quick peck.

I hummed, "Turn the heather on will you? It's cold and it's starting to snow."

October just barely started and is already snowing. Not unusual though.

"Whatever you say boss." Jessie said playfully and looked at me with a smile in silence before speaking again. "See you this week?"

"You know where to find me." I winked at her and tapped the door of her car. "Go is getting dark."

"Kicking me out are you? Fine then, bye Kaden."

"Bye mrs. O'Connor, pleasure doing business with you." I could see Jessie flipping me off through her now rolled up car window.

Once she rolled off the driveway and disappeared down the street I stayed back for a while to I had all of my tools in the car before going. Finally getting inside the car I started to drive away... or tried to before I felt something collide against the side of my car and pain shook through me.

A/N - There hasn't been a cliffhanger in this book so far... well like this at least lol. We'll see what happens.

Btw the more comments the faster I'll update...

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