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The weight of their fractured bonds continued to cast a shadow over Seungmin, Bangchan, and Minho's lives, and the wounds remained raw and unhealed. One fateful evening, as the sun set in the distance, Yeji found herself drowning in her sorrows, seeking solace in the numbing embrace of alcohol.

She stumbled into a dimly lit bar, her vision blurred by the tears she had shed in solitude. The bar was alive with laughter and music, a stark contrast to the turmoil in her heart. She took a seat at the counter, ordering one drink after another, hoping to forget the pain that had become an ever-present companion.

As the night wore on, the alcohol coursed through her veins, dulling her senses and erasing her inhibitions. She felt a growing anger, a resentment that had been festering for weeks, and it found its voice in the depths of her drunken mind.

Seungmin had entered the same bar, unaware that Yeji was there. He had come to seek a temporary escape from the pain of their fractured bonds, hoping to find solace in the anonymity of the crowd.

Their paths crossed in the dimly lit room, and Yeji's blurry eyes locked onto Seungmin's figure. With unsteady steps, she approached him, her voice slurred and filled with bitterness.

"Seungmin," she hissed, "you're the reason Minho and Bangchan are pulling away from me."Seungmin's brows furrowed in confusion and concern. 

"Yeji, you've had too much to drink. Let's talk about this another time."

But Yeji's anger and inebriation had taken hold of her. She swung at Seungmin, her aim unsteady but her intention clear. Her fist made contact with his cheek, and the bar fell into a shocked silence.

Seungmin staggered back, clutching his face, his eyes filled with disbelief. "Yeji, please, this isn't the way to handle this."

But Yeji was beyond reasoning, her voice raised in a drunken tirade. "You stole them from me, Seungmin! They were mine, and you took them away!"

The commotion had attracted the attention of the bar's patrons, and some were trying to intervene, while others simply watched the drama unfold.

Seungmin tried to reach out to Yeji, his voice pleading. "Yeji, I never meant for any of this to happen. We're all hurting, and I'm sorry."

But Yeji's anger and sorrow had reached a boiling point. She continued to lash out, her words a barrage of accusations and pain. "You don't care about me, Seungmin! You only care about yourself!"

The bar's security personnel intervened, escorting Yeji away from Seungmin, her cries and accusations echoing in the air. Seungmin watched her leave, a mixture of sadness and empathy in his eyes.

The incident left Seungmin shaken, his cheek throbbing with pain, but it also served as a stark reminder of the depths of their fractured bonds and the unresolved emotions that had torn their friendship apart. 

The wounds ran deep, and Seungmin knew that finding a way back to each other had become an even more daunting challenge.

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