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The campus was buzzing with activity as students hurried to their classes, caught up in the rhythm of college life. Among the familiar faces was Yeji, a new student who had recently transferred to the university.

 With her striking presence and charismatic charm, she quickly caught the attention of many, including Seungmin, Bangchan, and Minho.

Seungmin and Bangchan were sitting on a bench near the courtyard, engaged in a lively conversation about an upcoming event, when Yeji walked over with a friendly smile."Hey, mind if I join you guys?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.

Seungmin and Bangchan exchanged glances before Seungmin gestured to the empty space beside him. "Sure, go ahead."

Yeji settled onto the bench, her smile warm and inviting. "I've been hearing a lot about you two. Seungmin and Bangchan, right?"Bangchan nodded with a friendly grin. "That's us. And you're Yeji, if I'm not mistaken."

Yeji laughed, her gaze briefly locking onto Bangchan's. "You have a good memory."As the conversation continued, Seungmin couldn't help but notice that Yeji's attention seemed to be primarily focused on Bangchan. 

She laughed at his jokes, leaned in a little too close, and occasionally brushed her hand against his arm. While Seungmin tried to dismiss his growing discomfort, a nagging feeling tugged at the back of his mind.

Minho joined them shortly after, offering a friendly greeting to Yeji. The group chatted about their classes, hobbies, and interests. However, Seungmin couldn't shake the unease that had settled in his chest.

As the day went on, Yeji's interactions with Bangchan became more frequent and deliberate. Seungmin observed as she made an effort to separate him from Bangchan whenever they were in a group, engaging him in conversations while subtly excluding Seungmin.

One evening, as they gathered in the campus courtyard, Yeji turned to Seungmin with a bright smile. "Seungmin, I've been meaning to ask you something. Can you help me with a project? I heard you're really good with research."Seungmin felt a mix of surprise and flattery. "Of course, I'd be happy to help. What's the project about?"Yeji leaned in, her voice soft and inviting. "It's about the impact of social dynamics on friendships. I thought it would be interesting to get your perspective."

Seungmin nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Sounds intriguing. We can meet up tomorrow to discuss the details."

Meanwhile, Bangchan and Minho were engaged in their own conversation nearby. Minho couldn't help but notice the interactions between Yeji and Seungmin, and he shared his observations with Bangchan.

"You know, Yeji seems really interested in Seungmin's opinions and company," Minho commented, his brow furrowing.Bangchan looked over at Seungmin and Yeji, his expression thoughtful. "Yeah, I've been noticing that too. It's a little odd, isn't it?"

As the days passed, Yeji's attempts to pull Seungmin away from Bangchan became more pronounced. Seungmin found himself spending more time with her, often discussing the project she had asked for his help with. 

Yet, despite his growing closeness to Yeji, a sense of unease lingered, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

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