"Phil Coulson and his misfit toys disobeyed a direct order," Maeve responded, grabbing hold of one of the handles on the ceiling as the jet started ascending, "And since they're down a man, I'm the lucky one that gets to stay behind."


"Garrett? What the hell are you doing here?" The agent that Maeve immediately recognized as Phil Coulson spoke, surprised at Garrett's appearance. Maeve had done her research on him (as much as she could do considering the majority of his file was redacted), but she knew that he died during the Battle of New York and magically came back to life. 

"Well, as opposed to the level 8 jackass I'm staring at, I still follow orders." Maeve rolled her eyes as she descended the rest of the ladder. Hydra or SHIELD, John Garrett was not a man that liked to listen to others.

"You're the worst at following orders." The man said with a raised eyebrow as Maeve hid a smirk. Maybe being on their plane, out of Garrett's reach, wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.  

"Maybe," Garrett paused, holding up a stack of papers and waving them proudly, "but I like this one." Maeve was standing behind him, but she could practically hear the smile in his voice. "You are to immediately turn over Ian Quinn over for transport to the Fridge." Garrett took the liberty of introducing the two agents he brought along with him, motioning to Maeve and Trip. "Agent Antoine Tripplet and Agent Maeve Phillips, this is Agent Phillip Coulson. You wouldn't know it to look at him, but Phil's one of our finest."

Maeve offered an unenthusiastic nod while Trip responded, "An honor, sir." Coulson shook his head in acknowledgement of both of their gestures. 

He didn't want to assume anything from such a short encounter, but it was clear that Agent Phillips wasn't the warmest person he had met. 

Maeve watched as Coulson's eyes lingered on her face for a moment longer than she was comfortable with before Garrett broke the silence. 

"Trip joined me as my specialist after Ward came to your circus. Go secure the prisoner." He ordered to Trip who nodded, walking down the stairs of the plane. The man was a piece of work, but no one could sweet talk like him. "And it looks like Agent Phillips will be joining your circus, as well."

Coulson's face dropped as Garrett informed him of Maeve's job, "While I'm sure you are a wonderful agent, I'm not looking for another member. No offense." He said apologetically to Maeve, who just shrugged.

"Well Phil, I hate to be that guy, but that's not really your choice." Garrett responded. "Top brass doesn't trust you. You pick up a stray puppy off of the streets and make her an agent. And that stray puppy happened to be a known member of the Rising Tide. It doesn't look good, Phil."

"So what, she's supervising me? She doesn't even look old enough to hold a gun." Maeve shifted slightly. 

She knew that he didn't mean anything by the comment, but he was right; she wasn't old enough to hold a gun and she wasn't the age SHIELD believed she was. If any other agent had watched her movement, they would've detected the clear tell; the slightest crack in her cover. Thankfully, Phil was distracted by his disbelief.

He turned around, retreating to his office, which prompted the other agents to follow after him. When Garrett walked into Coulson's office, he held a hand up to Maeve's face, telling her to leave them alone. While she didn't appreciate the rejection, there was no point in trying to argue it. She scoffed, turning around and heading to the stairs to see where Trip was.

Walking down the steps, she heard familiar voices followed by strained grunting and groaning. The girl calmly walked down the remaining steps, spotting Trip and Ward getting into it, presumably over Quinn.

Double Agent | Agents of S.H.I.E.L.Dजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें