Chapter 20: Past discoveries

Start from the beginning

"BIG BROTHER! BIG BROTHER WAKE UP, PLEASE!" He could hear Vanessa shouting.

Ryan snapped back to reality and saw Vanessa crying her eyes out. Standing next to his fallen form. "It's okay... I'm okay." he assured her, getting up. "Big brother! You're all better!" she squealed happily. Ryan couldn't help but to smile, it was nice to know there would always be somebody who cared for him. More than one somebody, considering the few Sisters he'd met, seemed to take an instant liking to him. Once standing Ryan took Vanessa and placed her back into his sphere cage.

After a couple minute run he put her in her hidey-hole, which was nearby. True, she could harvest more Adam, but Ryan had to find out what the deal was with the vision while it was fresh in his mind. Remembering everything Ryan sprinted away from the hidey-hole and made his way to the Mercury suites.

Along the way he passed a hidey-hole, it was just like any other hidey-hole, but this one had a blond head of hair poking out of it. "Where are you going?" She asked, "Mercury suites." He answered as he slid to a stop. "Why?" The Sister crawled out of her hole revealing she was Cindy, the Sister that had more formally introduced him to Eleanor. "Look, I really can't play now, I have to-"Take me with you." she interrupted him. "Not a good idea, half the place is underwater and the other half is probably falling apart." He explained "Take me with you! Now! Now! Now!" she yelled, jumping up and down childishly.

Cindy... She was probably the brattiest of all the little sisters when it came to getting what she wanted. She was going to drive him mad. Then again he'd heard all the best people were...

But somehow Ryan knew she wasn't truly like that, maybe something was causing her to act like that, annoyed, Ryan shouted to no one in particular. "Eleanor, if you're doing this to get back at me for what I did, I want you to know it's working, I am very annoyed!"

The little sister stared at him, her arms crossed, waiting impatiently for an answer. Simply ignoring his shouting. "Oh fine, but you have to keep quiet and stay hidden." He told her. "Okay!" Cindy perked up and cheered at the news. Ryan picked her up and put her in his sphere cage making a mental note to complain to Eleanor.

Mercury suits, Rapture:

Looking at the old building Ryan felt his hope grow. All these years he had felt he had forgotten something, or at least, partially forgotten. Now he was probably on the path to discover what it is what he forgot. "So why are we here?" Cindy asked, Ryan knew better than to tell her, she would probably nark him out to Eleanor, "Remember the conditions in exchange for me bringing you here?" he reminded.

"Fine. I'll stay quiet." she sulked.

Taking a deep breath Ryan entered the building, most of the rooms were either flooded, locked, or destroyed, 'What happened here?' he thought as he made his way through the halls, the floors squeaking as he walked. Finally after almost fifteen minutes he found apartment number 103.

'Finally, and not a splicer in sight.' Ryan mused as he walked up to the door. It was locked, but that was no problem for Ryan, he simply leaned back and threw his foot forward. The old flimsy door gave almost no resistance and sailed a few feet into the air before hitting the ground with a loud crash. The apartment was empty as were all the others he had walked by. True, this one had furniture and all but... for some reason he expected it to be inhabited by somebody. It was almost as if he wanted somebody to be there to welcome him back home. Carefully he entered and made his way to the kitchen, "Big brother there's an angel." he heard Cindy say.


"On the floor." She said, he saw her arm point downward from inside his helmet. Sure enough there, on the floor, was a corpse, glowing with Adam. The body seemed to have been there a long time, dust had collected on top of it even. "Oh." He muttered lamely. Looking at it, this corpse was familiar to him... he had seen this woman... he knew who she was, but he couldn't quite remember.

"Hello! Rapture to Sir Bubbles! Are you there?" He heard Cindy shout as she beat her fist against the glass part of his helmet. He suddenly knew why fish hated it when people did that. "Right, sorry." He muttered as he set her down, letting her harvest the Adam inside the body. "Cindy, I'm going to look around. Yell if you see a Splicer, I'll be here before you know it." said Ryan and then added, "I'll even break through the walls if I have to..." Which made the little girl laugh before she nodded and started harvesting.

Giving her one last wayward glance Ryan began to search through the house. The first room he checked appeared to be the master bedroom. Inside the room he found it partially destroyed. There were scratch marks along the wallpaper like somebody was scratching through it in anger and the furniture was destroyed. "Man, this Splicer was completely insane." Ryan muttered to himself before a glint of metal in the edge of his vision caught his attention. It was a safe, like the one from his vision.

'Okay! Now I'm getting somewhere.' He walked over to it. Touching the cold metal dial Ryan placed in the code, "One... five... zero... Five." He said aloud as he spun the knob. There was a click as the door to the safe unlocked. Ryan pulled it open, inside of the safe was one of those audio diaries he had seen all over the place and a picture, he took the audio diary first and hit the play button.

" name is Daniel Andrew...I used to work for Andrew Ryan, that was until he took my son. For days, I have tracked my son's movements, trying to find a way to fix the mistake my wife made. Then I lost track of him. Please if you hear this message, I beg of you, help me find my son. There is a picture of him next to this audio di-" "honey, where is my Adam?" "What did I tell you about your Adam addiction! In punishment for selling our son you quitting cold turkey!" "But hone-" "I have had enough of you! *BANG* *BANG*"

The diary ended with two gunshots, the body on the kitchen floor was enough proof to tell Ryan what this man named Daniel did, he killed that woman, his guess was that that woman was Daniel's wife. Taking the picture Ryan stared at it, the light coming from his helmet provided enough visibility to see the picture. Inside was a family of three, a man, a woman and a little boy. Looking at the little boy there was something familiar about him, he sort of reminded Ryan of himself, but that couldn't be. He had always been a Little Brother... hadn't he? But what if Andrew wasn't lying, this is a recording of a man whose wife sold their son for Adam like Andrew said Ryan's mother did, the picture was only adding to it. "That would make the woman in the other room... my mother..." Ryan said to himself, "Maybe this 'Daniel' is still alive, he can give me answers...", Ryan took the photo and stored it in a water tight container on his waist.

"Big brother! Are you done exploring?" He heard his Little Sister call. "Yeah, I'll be right there!" He replied as was going to retrieve Cindy. "Adam, Adam, I smell Adam!" Ryan heard a voice taunt, it made his skin crawl. Faster then he ever thought possible he grabbed Cindy and placed her on his back where she would be safe... er. Pausing at the door and looking both ways Ryan sprinted out of the apartment, and made his way out of the apartment complex. Once outside he took a look at the situation, feeling like he had dodged a bullet. He shook his head, pushing the feeling of terror away before making his way to Cindy's hidey-hole. Where he placed her before sprinting back to report to Lamb.

To be continued...

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