18 | The Mermaid in Elision

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I could feel her heart was filled with love, gentleness and fear. A shadow of guilt and anger hid deep inside her. Pushing to search for a clue of what she was, I felt more fear encasing her heart followed by heavy pressure. Her blood flowed with the care for her family and a sense of responsibility came to her like second nature. I could sense her need to be free; her soul searching for a purpose.

I ended my soul searching for her, warping out of the darkness of her mind and gently detached my soul from her. She gasped and slumped on her chair, her breathing ragged while her eyes stared at me with both confusion and disconcertment. I stumbled a bit before regaining my strength, her powers being hidden away made her energy greedy of release.

"Breathe, Krian. Breathe." I instructed, breathing loudly for her to follow. "That's it. Good. Just breathe. Inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale." I could hear her heart begin to calm down. She nodded at me, giving me a thumbs up before she pushed herself to a better sitting position on her chair.

"You want to protect your family but crave freedom for yourself. You have the soul of a werewolf but something else is within you. Maybe that's what you are to the Moon Goddess..." I told her and I could see her eyes cloud with more confusion.

"Sorry. I think I have given you more questions than answers..." I scratched my head, disappointed that I was not of any more help. She signed and began to write on her board.

It's okay, Caius. Thank you for trying. I read her small handwriting.

"You seemed pressured. I could sense that you want to be more of help but you are scared. It is okay to be scared, Krian. What would be wrong is to not do anything about it." I spoke my observations out and she looked down on her whiteboard and didn't give me any response.

"You're not alone, Krian." I crouched down to her level and tried to smile. She shifted on her seat and I backed away from her immediately.

Sorry. Your smile can be more intimidating than your rbf. She quickly wrote on her board with a blush on her face.

"RBF?" I chuckled and she nodded before erasing what was in her board with a small cloth before she wrote her reply.

Resting bitch face.

"I'm sorry but I do not know that." I scratched my head and she sighed in frustration. I found her adorable for expressing her truely with me and as her guardian, it's better to know more about her than seeing her getting scared of me. She pulled out the phone I had given to Andros and took a photo of me quickly. Holding the phone towards me, she tilted her head and arched a brow at me trying to prove a point.

In the photo was me who looked pissed off and bored at the same time. I broke out laughing seeing myself in the photo.

"Trust me. I do not feel that way with you and your friends around." She chuckled, taking the phone back and looked at the photo herself. She gave out a small laugh one more time, shaking her head.

They are also your friends, Caius. Not just mine. I read what she had written.

"Thank you, Krian."

The night has come and I opened the windows in Andros' room. Moonlight illuminated the entire room as the large glass panels gave a full view of the city of Paris. Krian steered in her sleep as the silver glow of the moon woke her up.

"Sorry." I spoke low, not wanting to wake up Andros. Krian stretched her limbs, moaning a bit before standing up and yawned.

"You should go to bed, Krian. It is not good to not have proper rest." I advised. She watched the prince with caution and let out a breath. She nodded briefly at me before she pulled out the phone. Gently, she set the phone on the bedside table, giving it back to him. She smiled at me softly.

The Mark of the MoonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz