Chapter 16: Revenge and Payback

Start from the beginning

"So true, so true... I should destroy you, but you're a special sort. Hows about you join me? Together, me with Rapture, you with your Big Daddies. We can rule Rapture. And even the world with an iron fist!" Fontaine offered. Ryan hated people like him. People that treated others like trash. Big Daddies underneath their armour were people. They weren't completely mindless, what they lacked in memories of their past they made up for in heart.

"Go jump in a broken airlock!" Ryan yelled angrily. Fontaine didn't answer for a few seconds before he finally said. "You first." and with that he went silent. A smile spread through Ryan's face. Fontaine was crafty, but apparently not too smart. There were only two PA systems in Rapture, Fountaine clearly wasn't using the one in Andrew's office. So that meant he was using the other one located in Point Provisos. It was time somebody taught Fontaine how to be a proper man.

Surprisingly, the sayings were true. Sometimes it takes a kid to do a man's job.

Point Provisus, 5:00 am

Carefully walking out of a bathysphere Ryan whispered to Darren "Let's be sneaky." Darren nodded as best as he could before following Ryan to a peculiar door. It was large, but bellow it had a smaller door with the bigger one. The small door opened first, which Ryan crawled into, then Darren followed as the bigger one opened. Slowly, they made their way to the end when suddenly, they were passing through a model set in the middle of the room they heard, "So here comes the protector of the Little Sisters? HA! for Pete's sake, grow up kid!" looking up they saw a Splicer. It was Fontaine. "You want your Little Sisters back? Please. I am so going to enjoy this." Fontaine bragged as he jumped down from the second floor.

Ryan cranked the valve in his harvester to full suction. Ever since Suchong gave him the Sister Escort Test Ryan realised he wasn't a gatherer anymore. He was a protector.

Darren checked his gun when Ryan stopped him "No Darren, this is my fight." He said. Darren backed away slowly. Not liking his orders, but following them anyway. "I don't know whether to congratulate you for your bravery or laugh at your foolishness." Fontaine said.

"You talk too much." Ryan said simply, already mid-stab by the time Fontaine noticed. His harvester easily penetrating the man's skin and quickly filled it completely with Adam. That was the first sign something was wrong for Ryan. He knew Splicers never had that much Adam in their bodies.

Knocking Ryan away Fontaine screamed, "You little brat! Play fair!"

Ryan became even more furious. He wants him to play fair? Who was the one who tricked an entire army into serving him? It wasn't him, it was Fontaine! Hiding behind one of the pillars Ryan quickly drank the Adam in the jar. He had to empty it somehow, plus it would be a waste if he dropped it. The taste and texture were... odd. It was tasteless, but as it went down his throat he felt small sparks of energy tingling inside him from head to toe. Just then Fontaine dropped right on where he was standing, Ryan barely managed to dive out of the way in time. "I suggest you run boyo. I'll show you what Adam can truly do!" Fontaine yelled as he jumped up and landed on the second floor balcony and began to throw fire at Ryan.

Ryan dove behind some debris. If only he could- He looked sharply over at Darren. He suddenly got a crazy idea. Ryan hopped out of cover and ran straight at him, the fireballs Fontaine was throwing missing him by inches. Picking up speed he jumped to get a boost from the Big Daddy. Much to Ryan's surprise he managed to jump on top of Darren's head in one leap somehow, which allowed him to get a boost and reach the balcony where Fontaine was. Flipping over the railing and kicking off of it in one move he hurled himself at Fontaine and stabbed him with his harvester. It filled up completely in a matter of seconds.

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