Chapter 15: Mysteries

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Darren snatched up Ryan and ran out of the Farmers Market as fast as he could. Back in Arcadia Ryan started knocking on all of the hidey-holes he could find, calling out the names of all of the Little Sisters he knew that lived there. No Sisters came out however... Stopping at the last-hole Ryan began to whimper, sinking to the steps of the hidey-hole Ryan began to cry there. Darren approached Ryan, kneeling down he patted the boy's back, trying to comfort him. Standing up slowly Ryan looked at Darren then it hit him, he had to stop this man. He had to stop him before all of the Little Sisters were gone.

But he couldn't go after him without knowing things about the man. He had to figure out who he was, why he was doing this, and where he was going. He tried to remember who could help him. He wasn't very well liked and the only person he talked to was... Sander Cohen! The man knew his gossip, maybe he had some information on this man?

Getting up Ryan promised "Don't worry Darren, We'll stop this man and avenge our Little Sisters."

Fort Frolic, 4:00pm:

Entering Fort Frolic Ryan called "Sander! I need your help!" And just like that the lights turned on, the same music and clapping sounds blared from the intercom. Finally, Sander Cohen appeared. "Well, well... if it isn't my only trusted Disciple. I say, you seem mad today." He surmised.

"Because I am!" Ryan snapped.

"Calm down young grasshopper. Why don't you sit back, relax, enjoy my new sculpture... The Quadadich!" Sander declared proudly. He took Ryan's arm and began to pull him to the statue. Ripping his arm out of his grip Ryan clenched his jaw. "I don't have time for this! The man you asked me to photograph is killing the Little Sisters! I need everything you know about him, now!" He demanded angrily. "Tisk tisk, temper little one." Sander chided, amused.

Ryan felt his anger double when he suddenly realised something and calmed down. He smiled up at the man. "An artist you may be Sander, but you're also something else. What splicer is the most impressive looking? What would be the best kind of splicer would an artist that wants to impress his audience be? You're a Houdini Splicer... aren't you? Luckily, I know how to negotiate with your kind. What do you say, Information... for Adam?" He pulled out two jars of Adam from his pants.

Sander stopped looking amused instantly, his face changing to a more desperate, greedy expression. "Adam?" It seemed Sander couldn't control himself and he tried to snatch the jars from the Little Brother's hands. Darren growled and his drill started spinning slowly in warning, stopping the sculpture in his tracks though. "Tisk tisk, patience Sander. Tell me what I want or I leave with the Adam, leaving you with nothing." Ryan grinned. Sander licked his lips, "I-it just so happens that I have the information you require." He said.

"I'm all ears." Ryan grinned happily.

"The man you're looking for is called Jack Ryan" Sander said, handing Ryan a picture of the man he continued, "He's using the Adam gained from the Little Sisters to get plasmids to become more powerful so he can kill Andrew Ryan, he just passed through an hour ago. so my guess is that he's in Andrew Ryan industries by now." Sander explained.

"Thanks Sander, now I can-" "Wait little grasshopper. There is more you should know." Sander said, interrupting Ryan, he motioned him to come closer, looking around he made sure no one was listening. Ryan had his doubts, but obeyed.

"Have you ever heard the term...would you kindly?" Sander whispered into Ryan's ear. Ryan's eyes shot open. that phrase. The one heard in his dreams. He shook his head, lying. "That man is no man... he is a slave." Sander continued. "Slave?" Ryan asked.

"Yes, a slave. A slave to that phrase. Whenever you say that with a command he will obey you" Sander whispered, this time even quieter. 'If he's a slave then who is he taking orders from?" Ryan asked again. "I may be a Splicer, but I'm not stupid like most of my kind. Jack is taking orders from a liar who goes by the name of Atlas. But Atlas is not who he says he is, he's Fontaine. An evil man who will kill any who oppose him."

Ryan inhaled sharply. He remembers the man alright, from back when Diane took him to see him. The way he looked at him... the bad feeling he had. His instincts were right.

Ryan nodded and gave the jars to Sander, who was more than happy to take the burden off his hands. "The best of luck to you little grasshopper. Though I don't think you will be able to beat this man... if you do succeed then I will paint a mural in your honour. The Hero of Rapture, I will call it." Sander offered before he left, mumbling happily to himself all the way.

Ryan thought about what Sander said. Gathering his courage he left Fort frolic. He knew he had to face Jack and Fontaine. He had to. Not just for the Little Sisters, but for the Big Daddies too. They always protected him when he was in trouble, but now it was time for him to fight for them and their little ones. The only joy they had. The only reason they had to be alive. The only reason they have to be human, or to preserve what was left of their humanity...

To Be Continued...

Bioshock: Little Brother re-told storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz