Finding the Girl... and then Loosing Her

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Hey guys it's Thyra and I am really excited about this story! That's all I have to say for now, enjoy!

Jack's P.O.V.

As I walked down the docks in Tortuga, having just arrived, as it were, I see a couple of wenches flirting with a man with a scraggly beard, who looks like a well enough pirate, so I walk over to him. I reach the man, excuse me, pirate, as the wenches leave and I look at him for a minute.

"Is there something I can do for ye?" he asks.

"My name is Captain Jack Sparrow. How would you like to join me crew?" I ask him.

It doesn't take long for me to get this man, who I learned is called Hector Barbossa, to join me crew. The two of us walk down the street and into a pub where we grab some rum and sit down. After we finish one or two, or five mugs of rum, we walk back outside in search of other crew members. As we walk, I see a baby on the street and something about it reminds me of me. I walk over and pick it up, and the eyes are so soft and it's so adorable I just know it's a girl. When I turn around, Barbossa is looking at me weird.

"What are we supposed to do? Let the wee lass be abused her whole life? I might be a pirate mate, but I want to help this girl." I say.

I smile at how cute she looks and then tell her that we have to go. We walk quickly to the Black Pearl, my ship, and see that Barbossa has gotten me a crew. They do a little hand gesture thing as we walk by and then follow us onto the ship.


Three days into the journey, Barbossa comes up to me and says everything should be an equal share, and that should mean the location of the treasure as well, so I give up the bearings. I'm just glad it wasn't another one of his attempts to turn the baby girl into our toy or slave or whatever when she's old enough.

Barbossa's P.O.V.

The third night into the journey, after Jack gives up the bearings, I get the crew to do a mutiny against him, saying I would be a better captain than Jack and they believed me. I hold the baby girl in my arms and watch as the mutiny happens. I then hand her off to Masters Pintel and Raggetti and they take her willingly, they had grown attached to her, just as she and Jack had grown attached to each other. I take my position at the helm and start barking orders at the rest of the crew. Yo ho ho indeed.

 Hey guys I hope y'all liked this chapter I am really excited about this story, so I love you all and I will see you Sorcerers and Sorceresses later! 

A Pirate's Most Valuable TreasureDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora