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Lidya is unconscious for a long time after A'ina attacked her. When she wakes up, the many events she encounters teach her some things.


"It's all because of you, vrrtep!"

"Whatever happened to us, it's all because of you and your kind!"

"I hope you die!"

A'ina... You'll regret saying those words to me.

"Hold on! You'll be okay, paskalin. I promise."


Are you there? Where did you go? Come back... It's so dark here.

I felt as if I were standing in a void. Everything was dark, silent, and empty. I was alone here. I began to walk. Each step I took seemed to illuminate underfoot, like the surface of Pandora at night. I continued moving forward, hoping to find something. With each step, objects around me became more distinct. I started running, then faster, and even faster. Suddenly, my foot caught on something, and I fell to the ground. Despite falling, I didn't feel pain. Without getting up, I looked around. I was in a forest, but the trees around me were not real. It was like a colorful forest scene drawn on black paper. As I marveled at my surroundings, an atokirina floated towards me. I stood up, extended my hand, and it gently landed on my palm. As it made contact, I heard a voice, a woman's voice.

"Go back, Lidya. We'll meet again later. It's not yet time."

The atokirina started emitting a bright light. The light was so intense that I had to shut my eyes. As I closed my eyes, the gentle forest breeze I felt disappeared. I felt pressure on my back. I was lying on something. There was intense pain in my head and stomach. Slowly, I tried to open my eyes. The light was so strong that I shielded my eyes with my hand. After a while, my eyes adjusted to the brightness. I looked around to understand where I was. I was in the lab. I was lying on a hospital bed, wearing a patient's gown, with a serum in my hand. Why was I here? I tried to remember what happened. Memories slowly returned. A'ina! I furrowed my brows in anger. Look what you've done to me! You're going to pay for this! Just wait for me, I have a special plan for you. But I don't resort to violence like you do, darling. I use my wits. Wait and see.

The sound of the sliding door opening drew my attention. Norm entered with a file in his hand. Seeing that I was awake, he widened his eyes and instead of coming in, he returned to the room he came from and called someone. This time, Jake, Neytiri, and Max entered. Jake came to my right side, took my hand without the serum, and squeezed it gently. He smiled at me. Neytiri preferred to stand a little farther away but there was a smile on her face, too. Jake spoke in a reassuring tone.

"You finally woke up. You scared us, Lidya. Are you okay? Do you have any pain or discomfort?"

I smiled at him and shook my head slightly.

"I'm okay. I just need a glass of water; I feel like my throat is dry like the Sahara Desert."

Jake quickly picked up the pitcher on the bedside table and filled the glass with water, then handed it to me. I tried to sit up slightly to take the glass, but I winced as a sudden pain shot through me. Jake immediately looked concerned, passed the glass to Neytiri, and came to help me.

"Easy there, little mouse. You're not fully recovered yet."

He gently positioned me into a sitting position and propped a pillow behind my back. "Little Mouse." It had been a long time since I heard that nickname. When I was a child, my short stature and my inability to sit still meant that I would hide everywhere, dart between objects. Every time Jake failed to catch me during those chases, he'd call me a "little mouse." Hearing that again brought a smile to my face. Neytiri handed me the glass. I took it and started drinking. When I finished the water, I handed the glass back to her and thanked her. She simply nodded in response. Carefully, I leaned back against the pillow. When I looked at Jake, he and Neytiri seemed to be communicating with each other through their glances. How were they doing that? I suppose it must be some special ability for mated Na'vi's. After a bit more non-verbal conversation, Jake shot Neytiri a slightly irritated sideways glance and turned back to me. By that time, I was already looking at him.

An Unexpected Offer [Neteyam x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now