◆Chivalry Is Dead◇

Start from the beginning

Katsuki rolled his eyes as he looked at the two best friends, his chest tightening with disgust. Just listening to them was enough to make him want to puke up his favourite breakfast - and what was up with them holding hands like that? Didn't those two idiots have a shred of common decency to know not to do that in a public space like the one they were in?!

Stupid nerds, he thought, scoffing as he crossed his arms. He looked up at the place where Aizawa and Present Mic were. His scowl deepened, gut roiling when he heard Izuku and Miyuki laugh over some other dumb joke.

"When the hell are we gonna start the next event?" Katsuki grumbled. Ejirou looked at him, raising a brow when he saw the ash-blonde's temperamental expression.

What was up with him all of a sudden? He was fine just a few seconds ago.

"Alright, everyone! Are you ready?!" Came Present Mic's voice, echoing throughout the stadium to the cheers of the crowd. "It's still the sport's festival! Before announcing the next event... we planned a recreational activity to do all together! What is it? Folk Dance!"

Miyuki paused, her body going stiff. "Did he just say Folk... dance?"

"Huh? Yuki-Chan?" Izuku asked, worry creasing his brow when he felt her stiffen and saw her face pale. "Are you okay?"

"Mmhmm..." she replied, nodding robotically. Soon, his face warmed up, too, upon realizing what Present Mic meant by 'Folk Dance.'

W-Wait a minute...! He looked down at his and Miyuki's hands joint together and his blush deepened.

Soon, though, they let go as Miyuki timidly waddled to stand with the other girls while Izuku stood with the other boys lined up across from them. When she glanced out of the corner of her eye at the other girls, her gut twisted further into knots when she saw their shy expressions and flushed faces. Her already warm face got warmer, but she felt slightly relieved knowing she wasn't the only one feeling incredibly shy about this.

On the other hand, though...

"Cue the music!" Present Mic announced, and Miyuki jumpers slightly when medieval folk music started blaring throughout the stadium. "Alright - Are you ready? Start!"

I... Still don't know how to dance...! Miyuki thought, biting her lip in panic as they all started moving in time to the jaunty music. This is so humiliating!

Miyuki cast her gaze to her feet as she stepped up to the person she was dancing with and put her hand in their's. Her body started shaking with nerves as they danced. But she felt more nervous than she realized, it seemed, for she didn't notice the intensity of her partner's grip until she misstepped and nearly tripped, only to be straightened right away before she face-planted on the ground.

"Jeez," a familiar voice grumbled, causing her eyes to widen. Miyuki's head swivelled up and she paled when she found herself looking up at none other than an annoyed Katsuki. "I know you can't dance, Pepperhead, but you're too embarrassing. Get a grip!"

Miyuki exhaled, turning her face slightly to the side as they turned around to face each other, hands still connected, and muttered, "Oh... It's you."

Immediately, Katsuki's face twisted in anger. "What the hell's with that tone of yours?!" Miyuki stumbled over her feet. Katsuki stopped her from falling again and he grit his teeth in irritation. "You're too bad at this, dammit! Were you born with two left feet or something?!"

"S-Sorry!" Miyuki squeaked, blushing heavily as she quickly turned her gaze back to her sneakers.

Up in the announcer's booth, Present Mic burst into raucous laughter as he watched the trembling and tumbling students of 1-A dancing together, nearly all their faces flushed a red as deep as scarlet.

"What's happening, 1-A?!" He exclaimed. "Do you, like your homeroom teacher, have problems with the opposite sex?"

"And what do your students do? Do they write songs and poems for their loved ones?" Aizawa retorted.

"Hoooh!" Present Mic said, clutching his chest.

"Of all the dances we had to do," Miyuki muttered nervously, doing her best to watch her steps and make sure she didn't trod on Katsuki's feet, "I can't believe it was the one I happened to be the worst at."

"You've done this crap before? - I mean, of course a nerd like you would've done something like this before," Katsuki said.

"Yeah... it's how I found out I couldn't dance," Miyuki revealed, abashed when the time came for him to take her other hand from over her shoulder. "But you're not bad at this. I'm surprised!"

"There's nothing hard about stepping back and forth in a circle. Any idiot can learn to do even that," Katsuki responded. A bead of sweat rolled down his face - and his eyes widened in shock when he noticed tendrils of light swirling from her head. "What the hell? You've got something coming out of your head."

"H-Huh? Oh... Oh!" Miyuki's blush deepened, just realizing her head did feel a little warmer than usual. "My Quirk does that sometimes... when I get flustered..."

Sunlight floats off her head when she's flustered...? Katsuki raised a brow, waving away the tendrils of light getting into his face. Just when she couldn't get any weirder...

Even so, his eyes widened when he heard the sound of crackling and saw small sparks shooting off of his palms.

"Ow!" Miyuki wrenched her hands out of his - too quickly, it seemed, for she misstepped again, this time on her untied shoelace and she fell back -

But Katsuki caught her hand, stopping her right away.

Miyuki blinked, still processing what had just happened as she stared up at him. Katsuki blinked back, his grip around her hand tightening as she remained in her mid-fall position.

"How romantic!" Present Mic shouted into his microphone. He pointed at the two of them. "What a performance from that shining star and Bakugo!"

Immediately, they snapped out of their trances. Katsuki let go of her hand like it was a hot pot, leaving her to keep falling. Miyuki windmilled her arms and quickly regained her footing before she hit the ground. She exhaled deeply, putting her hands on her knees.

"Don't let go so suddenly like that," she said to her dance partner who was fuming at the announcer's booth.

"What the hell..." Katsuki started, fingers twitching in annoyance. "...kind of commentary is this...?!"

Miyuki sighed, face turning a bright red as more tendrils of light lifted from the top of her head.

This... is so much more embarrassing that I thought it would be...!

Hikari: 『Volume 2 - Omakes』Where stories live. Discover now