02 | Oh, wow!

461 108 242

Bursting out of my house like a caffeinated squirrel, I narrowly avoided a head-on collision with a startled garden gnome-seriously, those little guys have more attitude than you'd think.

The once-familiar neighborhood now resembled a surreal maze, all thanks to my eyes that had suddenly turned on the waterworks and refused to turn them off.

Taking a sharp left onto Chardonnay Drive (yeah, my life choices are about as classy as that name) I caught two dudes giving me the kind of double-take usually reserved for UFO sightings.

Note to self: Maybe sprinting out of the house wasn't my most thought-out plan.

But, hey, when have I ever been accused of being too level-headed? The path stretched ahead like a black hole in a sci-fi movie, and I realized I had zero clue of where I was going.

Yet, I trudged onward, ready to face whatever absurdity my stupidity would throw at me.

I embarked on a walking odyssey, executing more left turns than a confused GPS.

My journey was peppered with a handful of faces I could almost put a name to, while others seemed to have teleported straight from the Twilight Zone.

And then, like a beacon of hope in the chaos, the glimmer of "Wendy's" signage pierced through the surrounding gloom. Its flickering lights were doing their darnedest to win a battle against the darkness.

As I approached, I discreetly scanned the premises for signs of life, praying that the fast-food deities were on my side and the place wasn't teeming with customers.

I took a quick moment to perform a makeshift makeover, yanking down my sweatshirt like I was auditioning for a rap music video and throwing on my trusty hoodie that doubled as both a style statement and a shield for my untamable curls.

Blinding headlights emerged from the darkness, not one or two, but a mini fleet that made me wonder if I'd unwittingly stepped into the middle of a Fast and Furious scene.

To the right? Nope. Left? Nuh-uh.

Three cars had decided to channel their inner speed demons, hurtling towards me.

Tires screeched to a stop, and suddenly I was lying on the road, limbs coiled like a human slinky, eyes shut tight in a mix of self-preservation.

Am I alive? Hello?

I cautiously popped an eye open. The world didn't seem to have vanished into a black abyss, which was a promising start.

However, the sight that greeted me was anything but reassuring. A squad of teenage gawkers from my school had assembled, eyes fixed on me like I was the star of their personal reality show.

Note to self: Try to avoid near-death experiences with an audience.

"Are you alright?"

Amidst the hazy fog, a voice cut through like a beacon in the mist. Those blue eyes, as deep and elusive as the ocean's secrets, materialized amidst the concerned faces surrounding me.

It was as if the chaos of the moment had taken a pause, allowing this singular connection to the realm of consciousness.

I focused my gaze on the speaker-a man whose features could have easily graced the cover of a romance novel.

His jawline was a chiseled masterpiece, sharp enough to slice through paper with a single glance. The term 'Greek god' had always seemed like a poetic exaggeration, but here he stood

His dark brown hair cascaded in wavy strands, catching the wind like it was dancing with the air itself.

A lock or two hung over his forehead, enhancing the portrait of rugged charm he effortlessly pulled.

I wasn't sure if the flutter in my chest was from the shock of the near-collision or the man's dreamy looks

As my eyes trailed along his perfectly sculpted eyebrows-like twin strokes of a master's brushwork on a canvas-I belatedly registered that he was still speaking.

"Um, hello? you alive?" said McDreamy.

Of course, I am, you sexy m-


"Breaking news: she's alive"

"Man, my testosterone's charged"

"Dude, I thought we were fucked for good bro"

These were the kind words uttered by the group which accompanied McDreamy.

He was in his white shirt, unbuttoned all the way down which gave me a clear look at one of his many packs.

He held my arms in place, his touch electrocuted me as he stared right through my soul, his blue eyes sharp and crystal-like, fixated on me. His lips parted ways, as he spoke words which I didn't need

"Get outta here before I actually run over you"

What the actual fu-


Greetings, dear readers and fellow mischief-makers!

First and foremost, I want to thank you all for stumbling upon my humble corner of Wattpad.

And hey, don't let that shy comment box intimidate you!

Thanks a million (figuratively speaking, of course), and let's get this comedic party started!

Yours in laughter and questionable decision-making,


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